Starting Over Part 5

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"How is he?" Eve asks me and I sigh looking over at Justin sitting on the couch, holding onto Alex and Luke's play cars.

"Not good. He hasn't slept since YN left four days ago. He's not even talking, barley eating or drinking anything." I tell her and she sighs

"Have you heard anything from YN?" She asks and I shake my head grabbing my phone out from my pocket

"She hasn't answered Justin's calls or texts, not even mine" I say and she grabs her phone

"What about me? She doesn't have my number." She suggests and I think about it.

She's not answering Justin's because he's the reason. She's not answering me because it could be Justin calling from my phone. But would she answer a call from a number she doesn't know?

"I guess it's worth the shot." I say and I show her YN's number as she types it in. She presses it to her ear as it begins to ring and she nibbles on her fingers. Her eyes widen and she hands me the phone quickly. I looked at it to see the call was continuing and I pressed it to my ear.

"Hello?" I hear YN say and I look over at Justin and quickly walk into his bedroom closing the door behind me.

"Hello?" She repeats and walk away from the door to make sure Justin doesn't here me.

"For Christ sake baby girl, you better tell me you have a good explanation for this." I say into the phone and I hear her sigh

"Chris?" She says and I run my hands through my hair

"No it's Santa Clause informing you that you've made it on the naughty list. Congratulations." I say sarcastically and she stays quiet. "Where the fuck are you." I ask her and once again she sighs loudly into the phone

"I can't tell you that. But we're fine. So you and Justin can stop calling and texting now." She tells me and I shake my head

"You don't get it do you YN? You took off on Justin. And not to mention you took his fucking kids with you. You may be okay. But you don't have to see what you're putting Justin through. Why couldn't you just talk this out with him? I mean really. Was it really necessary to just run off? It's not hard to just talk to him. But you had to do it the hard way." I say into the phone, pacing back and fourth as she says nothing. "You're just not going to talk now? God sake. I've never gotten mad at you YN. Ever. Because you've never given me a reason to. You've always done the right thing. But this. What you're doing. Is not the right thing. I don't know what's your problem. Or what's going on in your head to make you think it's okay for you to run off. But you need to fix this." I tell her again and I hear her move around in the other end

"I don't think this is okay Chris. You don't know what I'm going through. You don't know what I'm feeling. Do you know how it feels to look at him and not recognize him at all? Do you know how it feels to speak to the love of your life but feel like you're talking to a complete stranger? Or how bout every time he touches me, looks at me, the only image I get in my head is him with somebody else. You have no idea what I'm going through. So don't tell me that I think it's okay. Don't tell me that this solution isn't the right thing to do. Because I know that. But I can't stand to be next to him and feel nothing when all I ever felt was love for him." She says and then hangs up right after that. I groan loudly and lean against their dresser putting my head down.

"W-Was that Y-YN" I her Justin stutter behind me and I turn around to see him holding tightly onto his kids cars, holding them against his chest like a little girl does with her teddy bear. I nod my head and he looks down at his feet. "I-Is she coming h-home?" He asks, never looking up and I bite my tongue.

What am I supposed to tell him? He's already so fragile as it is. If I tell him no it'll only make things worse. But if I tell him yes, I'm telling him something that may not even happen.

"I. I don't know Jay. I'll try though okay? I'll bring her and your kids home to you." I tell him walking to him until I'm right in front of him. He sniffles lightly and then looks up.

The dark bags under his eyes proved how tired he was. The messiness to his hair showed he didn't care to fix it. His crinkled grey shirt showed all the tears that fell onto it. His black sweats hung on his waist with a few random stains here and there. He looked awful for someone always making sure he looks good.

"Promise?" He asks and I gulp. I can't make that promise. I don't know if I can even make it happen.

"I promise." The words slipped from my mouth and I soon regretted it. He nodded his head and stared back at the floor and I grabbed onto his shoulder leading him to the bed. "Here you take a nap. Sleep for awhile." I suggest and he pads along next to me, his grip tight on the toy cars.

"Will YN and the boys be here when I wake up?" He asks, yawning as he crawls onto the bed and I keep my mouth shut. "Chris? Will they?" He says and I nod my head and once again. Regretted it.

He pulled the covers over him and rested on his right side closing his eyes and I leave the room, closing the door behind me.

"So? What happened?" Eve asks and I shake my head, letting out a soft fake laugh in hopes that I actually didn't just promise my best friend something that I probably can't even make happen.

"I just promised Justin that I'd bring YN and the boys home. And also, not to mention that I told him they'd be here when he wakes up. I don't even know if I can make that happen" I say and she looks at me

"Why did you tell him that?" She asks and I throw my hands in the air and then let them fall right back down to my legs with a slap.

"Because it just came out" I tell her and she sighs moving her hair from her face.

"What are you gonna do?" She asks and I grab my keys behind her on the table

"I'm just gonna have to go out and look for her, and stick with what I told Justin I was going to do." I say and she bites down on her lip. "Watch him. If he wakes up, hit him in the back of the head with a pan to buy me some time." I say and she looks at me

"Please tell me you're joking." She says and I shrug my shoulders

"Eh." I reply and she slaps my arm and I let out a small laugh. She smiles at me and shakes her head, I lean over and give her a peck on the lips and then rush out the door to find YN.

Question is.

Where is she?

Being honest lovelies. I always wanted an internet friend and just skype them or FaceTime them and be like the best of friends and just stay up late at nights sometimes when I'm able and just talk and talk about the most random things and then when we're able to, be those friends who fly to each other and just grip onto each other in an airport.

Can you tell I have no friends? Haha

Anyhow! Next chapter will be. Sometime soon hopefully haha. I'm trying to update as much as I can lovely.

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