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"Justin are done getting the kids dressed?" I yell and I hear him fumbling around and I sigh and shake my head

I stop setting up the diaper bag and walk to the stairs to go see what Justin is doing.

"Justin, it's not hard to get them dressed" I say and walk up the stairs into our room.

"Well you can say that, they won't stop moving with me" he says, I look at him and giggle to see his hand holding Luke down and Alex is on the floor throwing their clothes out of the dresser.

Justin stretched his other arm to reach for Luke's clothes and I cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Justin looks back at me and he sighs and I smile lightly.

"Alex. Stop that right now" I say sternly and Alex looks back at me with shirts on his hands. He looks up at me and then puts the shirts back in the drawer and then sits there. I walk over to Justin and Luke and Luke is throwing a fit. He's moving around and kicking and throwing his arms around everywhere.

"They don't act this way with you" he whines and holds Luke's ankles together and picking his butt up to change his diaper, making Luke arch himself up and try to turn himself

"Lucas Bieber you better stop that right now" I say sternly and he doesn't move but falls right back onto his back, looking at me with is eyes, he begins to pout and his eyes water "No no. None of that. Daddy is trying to change your diaper, now will you please stop moving so he can" I say and Luke sniffles and lays still and Justin sighs and continues changing his diaper and getting him dressed.

I step aside and Justin takes a deep breathe out and puts Luke on the floor. He runs to his brother and hugs him and Alex smiles hugging him back.

"And mother of the year award goes to. Mrs. YN Bieber" Justin says and I laugh lightly shaking my head. Justin wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him attaching our lips.

The boys begin to clap and giggle and I pull away to look at them to see them looking at me and Justin clapping.

"I can't believe you taught them that" I say and Justin smirks

"What? I had to have some encouragement and approval" he says winking and he squeezes my ass in his hands. The boys smile and slap their hands over their eyes and I laugh removing Justin's hands from me.

"Who's ready for the park?" I coo and the boys move their hands from their face and smile big, their teeth that were coming in showing.

"Uppy" Luke says sticking his arms up at me and I smile picking him up and then Alex does the same. Justin comes and slaps my ass and the bends over to pick up Alex. I laugh and turn around walking down stairs to get them set in their strollers.


"So. How's it like being married?" Eve asks me and I smile and look at Justin who's pushing Alex and Chris pushing Luke on the baby swings.

"I love it. I'm happy. We don't fight really. We're just full of love and happiness. Didn't think I could be so happy ya know?" I say and look at Eve and she nods smiling

"I feel the same. Didn't know I could be so happy with a guy before. But Chris sure makes me so happy it's crazy" she says and I smile

"Good. If he wasn't I would have to kick his ass" I say and she laughs lightly

"Justin is an amazing father" Eve says and I look up seeing Justin run back and fourth in front of the swings and throwing himself back when the kids would hit him making them bust into fits of laughter.

"Yeah. He really is" I say lightly playing with my wedding ring on my finger. "I'll be right back" I tell her and she nods.

I stand up and get my wallet and walk to the little ice cream truck that just sits there. I make it to the truck and look at what I should get the boys and Justin. Chris too because he'll throw a fit himself. And I might as well get Eve something since I'm getting everyone else something.

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