Strange Girl

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an + EDIT: been brought to my attention that i mentioned balenciaga in this chapter. tbh i forgot since it's been a while, but i changed it.

 tbh i forgot since it's been a while, but i changed it

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Every day since the flood feels like a dream. Gotham is still dreary, but with Wayne Enterprises donating so much and the national guard stepping in, the rebuilding didn't take long. You're laid off from your job due to the damage. Luckily, through your father's old connections with Alfred, you're able to secure a job at the newly minted Wayne Foundations as a grant approver. Since finding out about his father's failings with his Renewal plan, Bruce made his own but keeps his plan away from politics. You've only seen him once.

"(L/N). I know that last name. Is your father (F/N)?" Alfred asks, his eyebrow quirking up. Bruce sits back in his chair, brooding. He looks like The Thinker a bit, but you don't mention it. "Yes, that is my dad." "He was a driver at the same, err, hospitality company as me. I think I saw him call me a few days ago about you. A glowing review of course." He chuckles and you laugh embarrassed. "He said that you were a good man--You both!" Bruce looks you over for the first time it seems and then back at Alfred. "He's smart," is all he says. Alfred continues asking questions, wondering about your job history and asks the usual interview questions.

Bruce leans forward slightly when Alfred asks, "If you noticed that your coworker was using funds for the wrong reasons, what would you do?" Your eyes meet Bruce's and you shiver, blinking rapidly. He scares the shit out of you. "I mean, I'd tell. I'd be scared though, but I'd tell. Since we're dealing with a lot of money, if anything is missing, it'd come back on us, right? I also read and watch the news so like..." Bruce crosses his arms and you curse mentally. Wrong answer. "I know it's important for this Foundation to succeed with no issues with corruption and deceit..." You trail off before your words stop making sense. With that, Bruce leaves abruptly and silently. You feel on edge still, but Alfred is still kind, smiling and writing down notes.

You think for sure you bombed it, never feeling so nervous in your life. Fear melts slightly when you're at the corner store with your friend when you get the call that you are hired. It is a well sought-after job, but Bruce has an intensive background check and makes sure no one with mob ties or any sign of corruption gets hired. You don't have any that you know of. You've lived in Gotham your whole life. Your father instilled in you to keep to yourself and mind the business that pays. Though staying hidden and out of the way doesn't seem to matter in Gotham. Looking on the news or reading through social media reveals that even the quietest mouse could be murdered in cold blood.

You're lucky however that it has kept you out of the way. Your family recently relocated upstate with your distant cousins. Since your apartment was able to be repaired, you stayed. Sometimes you wonder if it's a mistake like today.

Your boss is a nice woman named Rachel who wears bright red lipstick with dyed blonde hair and brown roots that never seem to fade. She doesn't mind her business most of the time while you work. There are only three of you so far. Rachel tells you it's because Mr. Wayne doesn't trust anyone, but in the same sentence mentions that he trusts her the most since she's your boss. Her shirt is a little low for business casual in your opinion as you wear a dark green turtleneck, a tan blazer, and matching dark green plaid skirt and dark green leather boots, a splurge from getting this cushy job. You feel like you're dressed for the weather, however. It might rain later and there's the familiar summer to fall chill in the air. You wonder if Rachel feels it too in her summer blouse and light pink skirt. You stop thinking about her and to your folders. Rachel is fine. You know if she calls in sick, it's because she didn't bring a jacket.

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