Chapter 1

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This is it, my second book in one year
I hope I can do this and I hope you'll enjoy


~°°~ Out of million possibilities, came you ~°°~

Few miles away from kugbo, Abuja, Nigeria.
2nd January, 2022.

He dropped his little luggage at the middle of his small parlour and laid back on one of the sofas there, inhaling deeply the fresh sensational air around the place. Yes!! He felt really exhausted, to think that he had stayed at camp for a month now, he felt relieved that he's finally home.

Not home actually, just somewhere he lived in, his house.

He felt relaxed and so was tranquilly resting on his sofa until he reminisced that he will be there for only three days, he would be posted again in four days.

He slouched a bit on the sofa and scrutinized his environment. The whole place was clean, he gave a credit to David for making his life more easier. It would be a really tiring thing to return home and find it out of order.

He decided to ignore those thoughts and go get something for his little stomach, it was already excruciatingly making sounds due to the hunger he felt. He doubted if there were food stuffs in the house which will make him a good meal and he was right about that because when he checked, there were just few ingredients which would only add to his trouble, so he just decided on cereal.

After munching on the cornflakes, he picked his little luggage and headed into his room. He stripped off his clothes tying a towel around his torso, down his thigh, he then took a bath in his reserved yet elegant bathroom.

His house was nothing like a bachelor's house, he maintained each and every thing which were mostly in white or ash colour, only his room was in black. The building was perfectly erected and surveyed on a secured piece of land which had nature to compliment to it.

Both the substructure and the superstructure was done and completed smoothly. The walls that rose to the right level were beautifully painted with white and ash paint. The congregated iron sheet roofing on the beams of the building was also smooth as a solar panel was placed on its top. The window panes and doors were all of best quality.

His interior designs were also of high quality and beauty. His parlour was in pure white, if there were any other colour apart from that, then it was simply invisible to the eyes. From the lush carpet placed on the floor at the center of room, to the luxurious sofas placed at three of the four sides of the room and to the centre table where beautiful flower vases were placed on. Everything shouted luxurious money.

Just one look at his house, you'll know that he's got a very good taste. It is still a miracle how that house could have existed.

On the outskirts of the house was a small garden which had a natural water fall, that means his house was partly built on a bridge as the water flows out of his house to the nearby river.

His two-car parking lot was also a thing to see, too much beauty for a parking lot. And then finally the gate man's room which included only a room and a toilet, enough for a person or two to live in.

His gateman David stayed to keep his house safe, he also made sure the house stayed in place by sweeping once in a while - also watering and trimming the flowers in the garden and also round the house.

David didn't believe in marriage and so staying away from everyone to that remote land for months didn't bother him.

Yes!! Sayf Hakeem Elnafaty lived in a forest outskirt of the city of Abuja, alone with just David, though they're neighbouring a village. He liked a peaceful life with just nature around him. With what he went through, all he needed was a life with no one else. Or at least that was what he thought.

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