Chapter 9

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~°°~At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet~°°~

Few miles away from Abuja, Nigeria.
18th January,
4:37 pm.

His steps were light against the floor as he crushed dried leaves on the path he walked. He was being careful so as not to step on a landmine, he knew with no doubt that there were landmines around that place.

Sayf was on a one man patrol giving his whole crew a day off even though Imran and Zanna had to go back to their base and report so they were absent that day.

He kept moving farther from their camp and deeper into the forest when he heard footsteps from afar. He stopped at his track and listened carefully so as to understand where the direction of the sound was. When he got the direction, he got his gun on his hand ready to pull the trigger at the person who was approaching.

He was confused of what to do when he saw the face of the person. She was wandering and didn't even notice him there pointing a gun at her and when she did, she shouted.

"Don't shoot, don't!" Tauhida shouted closing her eyes in fear. After some seconds, she opened her eyes and looked again, she understood that minute that he was a soldier because of his uniform.

"Who are you?" He asked in a warning tone while she raised her hands up in surrender. "I came to a camp picnic with my friends and got lost, can you help me find my way?" She explained and asked.

"But please, stop pointing the gun at me" she requested but that made him to remove the safety still pointing at her.

"Nashiga uku, shikenan Zan mutu baza'a ga gawana ba (I'm done for, that's how I'll die here and no one will see my corpse)" Tauhida said and tried to move away.

"If you move an inch, i'll shoot" Sayf said in a warning tone but if he was true to himself, he wouldn't dare do as he said. He couldn't believe it, someone that had been on his mind, he had to meet her again this way.

And because of protocols, he couldn't let her leave for in any army division, she'll be taken as either a spy or terrorist so he had to take her back to their camp and send her to their base for interrogation and investigation.

He didn't say anything that didn't make sense but she started crying and squared down at her spot, she was crying like a real baby.

"Why do you have to say that

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"Why do you have to say that. Do you know how much I've suffered, I've not eaten anything since in the morning, I miss my family and I'm scared but you had to say you'll blow my brain off. Wayyo Maiyyi ta, please come and take me away from here" She cried.

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