Chapter 34

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~°°~Unlike the uncountable stars in the sky~°°~

Pescara, Abruzzo, Italy
18th March, 2022.
5:09 pm

Every person has that moment or two in life when he or she wants something but will not be able to get it.

That was exactly the situation that happened to Shafiq Buraid Muhammad, he was compelled to walk away without a word which he later regretted but as he had no reason to, he never turned back.

Driving in his car with no direction nor destination, he kept reminiscing everything that happened in a short period of time, less than a month. How he ended up in a foreign country with no one he knew except his mother.

It all started the day he went back home from the hospital. Yes, the day they found Tauhida with the dead bodies of her family members and took her to the hospital.

If he had known, he wouldn't have gone home that day because the moment he stepped into his home, he regretted ever going back at that moment.

He heard the screeching voice of someone shouting whom he believed was his mother because he recognised those shouts even without being told.

He was used to hearing those shouts ever since he had known his parents and was forced to get used to them but not anymore. Shafiq decided there and then not to tolerate anything his abusive father will ever do to his mother again since he saw how painful it was for Tauhida to have lost her family. Family is precious and he decided he wouldn't let his suffer because his mother was his home, and his family too.

Just like he expected, Shafiq found his abusive father in his mother's room beating her up with a cable wire, a thick one. Not that he wasn't used to the sight because it had been happening since he was 5 but that day, the anger burning inside of him was particularly different.

For someone who knew he wouldn't let his mother suffer again, especially in the hands of a father whom he saw on his bed with another woman at the age of 9, he ran and pushed his father till he was on the ground.

Shafiq knew his decision that day wasn't a wrong one because a disgusting father like his deserved what he did, being cruel to your family like that is definitely unacceptable.

"Buraid, don't you dare ever place your filthy hands on my mother again" Shafiq shouted helping his mother up from the floor to stand on her feets.

Alhaji Buraid Muhammad was shocked to see that reaction from his son, one thing he was sure about was that his son would never even talk about how he treated his mother but what he did at that moment proved his thoughts otherwise. He quickly got on his feet too and slapped his son on the left cheek.

"You insolent, how disrespectful of you to push your own father to the floor, I see you've grown wings" Buraid said to his son whose eyes were bloodshot already due to anger.

"The wings are not of today Buraid Muhammad Dawud, they have been here for as long as I have known you, I was just waiting for the right moment to fly with them and I guess today is the day" Shafiq voiced with a hushed yet venomed tone.

"I have had enough of whatever you are doing to me and my mother, I let you to realise your own mistake to mend it but no, for over 25 years now all you did was make yourself worse than before. I wouldn't say you didn't change but you changed into a bigger monster than I knew you to be. We have always been patient to see how you'll change but unfortunately it isn't in our favour so now I have decided that we have had enough of your disgusting behaviours, we won't tolerate them anymore insha Allah" Shafiq shouted with deadly stares to his father and no doubt, it made the man develop a sudden fear towards his son.

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