Chapter 35

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~°°~Why the sky is always beautiful~°°~

Gwarinpa, Abuja, Nigeria.
19th March, 2022
"Hey wake up already" Tauhida tapped Sayf's sleeping figure with her hands. "No please no" Sayf grunted and took another sleeping position, one he knew would be comfortable for him.

"Sayf" Tauhida called again in a warning tone.

"Finally getting a peace of mind after months but my darling wife doesn't want me to sleep" Sayf said still with closed eyes. Tauhida knew he wanted to sleep before the time to go back to work comes, which was in less than a month.

Tauhida knew, and she wouldn't deny it that she didn't want Sayf to get far away from her. Even though he talked about leaving the army himself, she stopped him from thinking such because the last thing she wanted was him leaving behind his country's safety for her sake. What she didn't know was that he joined the army not because he wanted to but because he had no where else to run to when the problem of his life struck him, the army was the only place to hide.

"It's today" Tauhida finally said the only thing she knew would make him wake up that instant and he did.

Sayf sat up straight and dragged Tauhida into his embrace. "I know how strong you've been, today will insha Allah be a piece of cake. They'll get what they deserve, that I will make sure of it" Sayf said.

"You think?" Tauhida asked. "Undoubtedly" Sayf replied making Tauhida to sigh. She knew she had to stay strong, if not the day would not be a good one for her.

"Take a bath, I'll go take one too" Tauhida said breaking the embrace, Sayf nodded and placed a light kiss on her forehead before moving out of bed to his bathroom. Tauhida stood up and left to her room too so that she'll be ready on time.

After some minutes, Amani and Layla came knocking at Tauhida's door.

"Adda good morning" The two greeted coming into the room, it wasn't a surprise that they didn't meet at all that morning because the two had been sleeping and woke up only to bath and get ready for the court. Amani and Layla decided they would share a room ever since they were rescued from their brother and so Layla moved to Amani's room which made their morning time to be almost the same.

"Morning you two" Tauhida replied as they hugged her each by the side, Amani hugged her left while Layla her right.

"Are we ready to leave?" Tauhida asked the two. "Mommas are all ready but ya Sayf is yet to be out of that hell of a room" Amani replied making Tauhida to chuckle. "I'll go get him while we meet you downstairs okay?" Tauhida said and they nodded before moving out of the room.

Tauhida as intended did not take anything with her, not even her phone. For all she knew was that she could forget the phone after been driven into the world she didn't want to enter but she knew for that day that nothing could possibly stop it so it was only natural that she got ready for it.

"Shall we?" Sayf voiced, Tauhida met him by the door trying to go out too. "Sure" Tauhida replied as they headed down the stairs and met the others.

Together they grouped out of the apartment to the parking lot where they took three cars and drove to Zone 4, Magistrate court, Wuse.


The conference of people stood up in respect to the judge who just walked in the court room with two police officers, the judge sat down on his seat and also the people there.

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