Chapter 2

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~°°~Be the star in somebody's night~°°~

Ahmadu Bello way, along city park, Wuse 2 Abuja, Nigeria.
2nd January, 2022.
6:49 am.

The room was perfectly clean except the bed on which she just woke up from her sleep on. The wind twirl through her window as the sun rays followed its lead, the beautiful flower which she kept on her window widened to the sudden sunlight and remained beautifully as she adjusted her position on the bed inhaling a deep breath.

She got off her bed with a taslim to her prophet Muhammad SAW and went directly into the bathroom. She took a soothing bath and brushed her teeth whitening them as though new.

She stepped out of the bathroom after wrapping a medium-sized towel around her body before she sat on the stool in front of her dressing mirror to dry and stretch her hair.

Just then she heard someone barge in and without doubt, knew who it was. She lifted her head and looked through the mirror as her sister settled on her bed.

"Knocking would have been okay if you didn't want to say the taslim" she said with sarcasm laced in her voice.

"Su knocking Manya, when did you start respecting people's privacy that I'll respect yours by knocking, we all know who the master of barging into people's room is. Just yesterday you, Tauhida Al-amin Borodo littered my whole room in my absence so drop it" her elder sister with two years said bringing out her phone from her pocket to type away.

She was wearing a pink blouse and blue pants and she also wrapped blue head supporting her long hair, not as long as Tauhida's though.

"Whareffer (whatever)" she said ignoring all the bad stuffs she said about her. All she did was be creative in her room but there was her sister, talking as if she turned the room upside down.

She continued with what she was doing until she finally finished. It had been long ever since she took care of her hair so she felt satisfied about what she did to it.

She stood up from the stool and headed to her wardrobe scanning for the right attire for the day.

She settled for her best attire.

She picked the olive green abaya because it was one of the lightest, she wouldn't want to stress herself since she wasn't going anywhere after all.

"Adda Rumaisa nikam I'm going downstairs for breakfast" she said trying to head to the door while she put on the black cap on her head. She had no idea where the Abaya's veil went to so she had to put that instead.

"It's not yet 7:30 so the others won't be there, we have to wait" she informed her. Tauhida being Tauhida jumped on the bed near her sister to look for trouble just like how she does everyday.

"Adda Ruma na, kinsan miye? (You know what?)" She asked trying to get her attention as she was still on her phone.

"Miye ne Tauhida (what is it Tauhida), stop disturbing me please" she said not taking her eyes off her phone. "Really, I'm trying my best to keep you company as my humble guest but you're ignoring me?" she said silently enough for her to hear her.

"Ok then tell me what's the problem" Rumaisa voiced finally dropping the phone aside. "Yauwa you know what?" Tauhida asked adjusting her position excitedly.

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