Chapter 23

978 154 12

~°°~The music that plays with pure delight~°°~

Cornerstone Specialist hospital, Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria.
26th February, 2022.

The two men who came to the hospital still sat on the chair just outside the OR waiting for the doctor to come out, they had been there for at least 5 hours.

Sayf got another call from Imran and he decided to pick it up because from his estimation, Imran should have already arrived at Abuja and if not he should in few minutes to come.

"Hello, I've been calling you for hours now and you haven't picked any of it, is there a problem?" Imran started immediately Sayf picked the call. "Are you back yet?" Sayf asked Imran, he didn't intend on telling Imran everything through the phone. "Not yet, but I'll be in few minutes" Imran replied.

"Okay, come directly to cornerstone Specialist hospital, no need to drop by your home" Sayf said with the hope that before he arrives, the surgery would be over. Imran replied with an okay before disconnecting the call.

The moment the call got ended, the door to the OR jerked open revealing the doctor and two nurses. Few seconds later, Tauhida was brought out of the OR on a stretcher to be taken to the Intensive care unit. The doctor asked the two to follow him up to his office again and they did just that.

"It was a success" The doctor declared when they settled in his office, it was just what they wanted to here until, "but"

That one word they didn't want to hear at all was said by the doctor. "She slipped into a coma, she could wake up any moment from now till the next ten years and also, she might get attacks from time to time until she wakes up, so try your best to keep your eyes on her all the time" The doctor explained.

The two were glad that she made it out alive but even so, seeing her in that situation broke their hearts every minute.

The two thanked the doctor and left the office towards the room Tauhida was kept. They stood by the door and looked through the glass frame as she laid down straight with no movement to prove that she was alive.

"I'll take my leave" Shafiq said, he had enough of the sight, It hurt him a lot to see her in that situation. "Okay, I'll see you around" Sayf said and Shafiq nodded even though he knew they would never meet again, he had things to deal with in his life.

After Shafiq walked away, Sayf gave a call to his home requesting for the presence of Layla and Amani there with him. He couldn't take care of both Tauhida and Humaira at the same time and he doesn't have any means to contact someone who could except his family.

Turning around to go find a place to seat, Sayf came eye to eye with the one person he hated so much, Iman.

"Sayf?" Iman stated in a question form, Sayf was very glad he wasn't in a good mood so his face would easily give her the signal to leave him alone. "What are you doing here?" She asked again and Sayf couldn't help but roll his eyeballs.

Why would anyone ask what a person is doing in a hospital when the answer was obvious. He ignored her and started to walk away.

"Are you going to give me the silent treatment? I know you still love me" Iman said making Sayf to stop on his track and scoff at the same time. He turned to her direction once again and glared at her, the glare that told her never to mess with him again and with that he walked away.

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