Chapter 26

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~°°~Being with each other is mending their hearts~°°~

Gwarinpa, Abuja, Nigeria.
6th March, 2022.
It is said that some things never change but it seemed like everything changed in Tauhida's life. Every minute of her life seemed new, not like the ones she used to live. It was like she was just born into the world.

Everything was gradually making sense again, her life which turned against her was gradually turning to face her once again. The four days she had spent with someone who was a stranger to her gave her a hope on what she didn't know.

He knew just how to make her forget everything even if it was for a split second. She weirdly looked forward to their conversations everyday because he found his way to comfort her in just four days, she wouldn't wish for more.

Sitting in her room reading a book, Tauhida received a conference call from her squad.

"Hey there!!" Humaira said through the phone. "We wanted to inform you so you prepare something nice for us" She added. "We are on our way insha Allah" Xeexee squealed making them to laugh while Tauhida smiled and she inhaled deeply enough to their hearing.

"we'll take that as an okay, buh bye" They said before finally disconnecting the call.

Tauhida's squad tend to give her such calls ever since she got married. They knew she wouldn't be able to reply them as before but also knew she loved the conversations they have whenever they have those conference calls.

Just after Tauhida dropped her phone back on the table, she heard a knock before the door jeered open, it was Sayf.

He moved forward into the room searching for only God knows what with his eyes, going corner by corner. Tauhida kept the confused face while she looked at the person who was acting as if he owned the room. From what she knew, nothing of his was in the room.

She stood up and picked her phone before moving to where he was, she touched him by the shoulder making him to turn before showing him the screen. "What may I ask, are you looking for?" It read.

"Never mind what I'm looking for, I just know it's somewhere here" Sayf replied and continued his searching.

Tauhida was curious to know what he was looking for so she didn't give up. "Just tell me, I might know where it is" Tauhida typed. "Yeah right, you are the only one who knows exactly where it might be. I'm looking for that" Sayf replied "what?" Tauhida lipped. "That" Sayf said again, she threw the confused look once again but didn't type nor lip anything .

"Your smile" Sayf added making Tauhida to scoff before smiling "Yes yes yes, there it is" Sayf added making Tauhida's smile to turn into a blush.

She quickly turned and sat back on her bed ignoring him. Sayf followed her and laid on the bed, his head on her laps.

"Hey get your head off me, they're heavy" Tauhida typed. "Have mercy, I'm kinda tired" Sayf said before he closed his eyes shut, because he didn't want her to type anything again. From the few days Tauhida had lived with Sayf, she understood him to be a very stubborn somebody, more stubborn than she ever was.

"Do you hear that?" Sayf asked after minutes of silence, Tauhida thought he was asleep. He opened his eyes to meet Tauhida's questioned look before adding "The pattern of your heart beat" Sayf said.

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