Chapter 22

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~°°~What is pain?~°°~

Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria.
26th February, 2022.
5:15 am.

Tensed, sat Sophy and her friends in her room. They were all ready to leave for Gombe state that morning and as agreed everyone showed up before 5:30 except Tauhida. They decided to wait for a moment and kept trying her phone but couldn't get through her.

"I think I'll have to call off this one, we can't all leave when we don't know what happened to her. I'm worried" Humaira said reaching to a decision to stay back. "That's what I was thinking about, Tauhida of all people won't miss my departure for the world except something's definitely wrong" Sophy commented.

Everyone in the room who knew Tauhida were feeling restless, they knew that even if she didn't come then she'll definitely pick the call or at least call back once. Humaira also tried calling Imran but he informed her he was on his way back to Abuja.

"I know right" Xeexee also commented. "You all should not worry, when I get through her we'll definitely make it up to you. After all we're going to Gombe in two weeks for Naiya's wedding so we'll visit okay?" Humaira said to them before picking up her bag and luggage.

"Okay sure, take care please and give us a call immediately you meet her" Sophy said. "Sure thing" Humaira replied before leaving. She met Shafiq outside trying to leave for his home and he offered to drive her to Tauhida's place.

After a while, Sophy was summoned by the elders and they had the series of advises and warnings before they finally left for Gombe state.

Meanwhile, imran called to ask for Sayf's help after trying everyone's number back at his home. He pleaded with him to check on them before he makes it back to Abuja.

Reaching the gate to Tauhida's home, Sayf got out of his car and started knocking on the door. He knocked for a while with no response before he gave up and gave Imran a call.

"Captain I don't think anyone is home, no one is opening the gate for me to enter" Sayf said immediately imran picked the call. "That is something that never happens, there is always a gateman at the gate to open up for everyone and he never leaves. Try knocking again" Imran replied.

"On a second thought, break into the house. Anything could have happened to them" Imran replied and Sayf nodded.

"Okay" Sayf said when he realised Imran wasn't anywhere near him.

Sayf did the needful of knocking again for some moment and that was when Shafiq's car pulled over beside Sayf's car. Humaira immediately rushed out of the car to check what was going on.

"Excuse me, have you been here for a while?" Humaira asked in worry forgetting to pass her pleasantries. "Yes, but I've knocked for a while now and no one is opening the door" Sayf replied because he didn't care whether she greets him or not, at least she acknowledged his presence.

"Imran said I could break in, should we do it?" Sayf added and asked the latter to Shafiq. "Let's do it" Shafiq said because he already had that in mind.

They started banging and hitting the door of the gate hard enough for it to break. It took them a while before they successfully broke into the house. Humaira entered the house in an increased speed ahead of the two as they followed suit, Sayf being the last person.

Humaira halted immediately she saw the bodies. Loosing balance and sanity, she fell back feeling weak on her legs almost falling to the ground but Shafiq held her up. He noticed she wouldn't stand on her own so he helped her sit on the floor before turning to also see the bodies.

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