Chapter 27

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~°°~The way he laid his eyes on her~°°~

Gwarinpa, Abuja, Nigeria.
7th March, 2022.
"Adda Tauhida if you're ready we should go" Layla said to Tauhida when she found her on the bed.

Tauhida was informed that morning that they'll be visiting Sayf's cousins that day. They organised a tea party just for their little circle in favour of their new in-law.

Tauhida didn't go back to sleep after subh namaz so getting ready earlier wasn't difficult for her.

Tauhida nodded her head before picking her bag and phone up. They exited the room together as they headed out where they met the others: Amani and Abdullah.

"Little guy, get the bag let's get going" Amani said to Abdullah and he did just that. Amani and Abdullah's relationship was stronger than anyone in the house, they were the sensible partners in crime.

Few minutes later, Abdullah came back with a back pack and they all entered the car as the driver drove them out of the house and headed to Jabi.

Driving into Arshad Elnafaty's residence, they halted in front of the building. Tauhida looked carefully at the house complimenting its beauty by heart. She must admit it was very beautiful even though not as beautiful as the Hakeem Elnafaty's residence.

"Let's go shall we?" Amani said when she noticed Tauhida was zoned out for a moment. They walked side by side into the house and met almost everyone in the main parlour.

"Masha Allah" Najma shouted making almost everyone there to glare at her, the girl lacked sense.

"Welcome Adda Tauhida, happy to finally meet you" Najma said and Tauhida smiled at her. Tauhida was feeling a bit uncomfortable because they were all like strangers to her but the smiles on their faces made her to feel a bit more comfortable. "Same thing here" Tauhida lipped while Najma read it. Najma was glad she was able to understand her lips.

"Najma gidanku, let her through" Mus'ab scolded, he felt Najma was blocking Tauhida's way. Najma moved from the way and Tauhida proceeded into the parlour. She sent smiles through everyone there and greeted everyone through a typed text.

"Okay okay, everyone should be quiet so I'll talk" Nabil started, he was acting like the smart genius among them which made Tauhida to chuckle while most of them rolled their eyeballs, Hafeez excluded.

While everyone was turning and twisting their eyeballs, his eyes were fixed on one person who hardly noticed how he was looking at her.

"Let's introduce ourselves shall we? me first" Nabil added. He then turned to Tauhida before starting to talk once again. "Ever heard of dashing? I bet you have, I'm the most dashing of them all as you can see, The name's Nabil" Nabil said making Tauhida to chuckle again.

"Yenyenyenyen, that's definitely not true" Najma said. "I agree" Amani also said as they laughed.

"Hey don't gang up on me, I'm sure she can see for herself that I'm not lying" Nabil defended himself, Tauhida nodded and typed on her phone "you sure have the killer looks, they're just jealous" it read.

"You're already my favourite" Nabil said with a wide grin before sitting back on his chair. "Next is me. I'm his twin which I doubt you've noticed because I'm sensible unlike someone. My name's Najma" Najma said. "Yenyenyenyen, that's definitely not true" Nabil mimicked Najma just like she said earlier.

"Whatever" Najma said. Tauhida smiled again, a sad one. Their banters were exactly like the ones they've had with Rumaisa, she missed her sister badly.

"This is ya Al-ameen we call him ya meen, the eldest of us all and my favourite cousin. This is Ya Hafeez, ya meen's immediate brother, he is the quiet one. This is anti Zakiyya, Ya Hafeez's immediate sister and their last born too and this is Ya Mus'ab, our first born" Najma introduced each one of them.

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