Chapter 8

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~°°~A heart is made to share~°°~

Wuse 2, Abuja, Nigeria.
7:54 am.

She packed her hair to the back with a pink ribbon then plaited its edge into a knot. She picked the bottle of perfume on the mirror desk and sprayed it over her body, the enticing fragrance of her perfume clouded the atmosphere of the room. She looked at herself through the mirror and her lips quivered into a smile as she was satisfied with what she did to her hair.

She was already in a navy blue and white fancy dress so she just tied her head tie and flung her veil on her shoulders. She picked her backpack which she arranged everything she'll need inside and left for school, she was studying computer science in Base University.

She trailed down the stairs and picked a car key from the chess of drawers which was at the study room's corridor, before driving off to Cadastral zone, Base. She already ate her breakfast so she had no reason to stay back for more minutes.


Her beautiful eyes lingered on the horizon, her defined face glowing with the warm rays of the sun as she walked away from their department to her car with two of her squad, Sophy and Humaira. Xeexee and Husnerh attended Nile University, each in different departments.

"This sun itself is enough to make someone black like charcoal" Humaira complained wiping off her sweat from her face with some tissue paper. "I thought it was only me that is suffering, if not for today's class was interesting, I'd probably be angry by now" Tauhida also complained.

"And this is winter fa, I wonder how we'll cope when the real hot season arrives" Sophy voiced chuckling at the end of her sentence. "Or raining season, the rain easily makes me sick and I don't like to unnecessarily getting sick" Tauhida said observing the weather even more. True to her words, she gets sick easily especially when the rain is windy and wild.

Just then, they reached the parking lot. Humaira was going with Tauhida just as usual, Sophy on the other hand usually had a driver who drops her at school, wait for her, then drop her back home.

"I get excited whenever I remember we'll be having an interesting weekend, Sophy bless your family again for me" Tauhida mentioned remembering the picnic camp they were invited by Sophy's family for the weekend. They were to leave the next day early in the morning which was a Friday and return on a Sunday.

"Sure thing Tauhida, just don't be late tomorrow" Sophy said, they were going in the adventure bus of the family all together, so they'll have to gather at Sophy's crib before they leave at the same time. "I won't. To break things short to you, I have already started packing" she mentioned grinning ear to ear.

"I am not the only one who's super excited ashe" Humaira voiced. "Nope" both Sophy and Tauhida replied simultaneously. "Well, see y'all tomorrow, bye" Sophy waved moving to where the car is. "Bye" they also waved entering their cars and zooming off.

On reaching home, Tauhida took a bath and changed into a simple black modified maxi dress. After she got dressed, she went down the stairs to get something for her stomach as she didn't get to eat anything at school that day.

She didn't find any leftover food and the maid was busy dishwashing, so she had to prepare something for herself. Tauhida loved cooking but she could count the number of times she cooked, either for herself or someone else.

She prepared fried spaghetti and made Banana smoothie alongside it, thankfully she found the required ingredients.

Almost immediately after she was done eating, her students came knocking at the door. She took all her tutoring materials and left together with them to their backyard where a big tent was placed and under which were tables and chairs.

Two hours of time, the class came to an end. She was happy that they were enlightened more about some things.

Tauhida retired to bed after that waiting for the adhan for magrib prayer.

Not so long, the adhan was called and she did the mandatory act of performing ablution and her three raka'ats of prayer. After that she joined the others at the dining area to eat dinner.

"Tauhida before you sit down, go check on your mother" her father ordered. "Tohm" she replied and made her way back up the stairs. Her mother returned on a Tuesday that week which was three days back.

She found her mother on the prayer mat saying her adhkars. She sat at the edge of the bed and waited for her to complete the adhkars. When she completed it, the two of them went down the stairs together to join the others in having dinner.

"Abba, Sophy is getting married. Oh I mean Safiyya" Tauhida started making a conversation when they were midway through their dinner. "'yar gidan alhaji Asif Muhammad?" Abba asked.

"Eh ita. In a month time insha Allah" Tauhida voiced. "Allah ya Sanya alkhairi, I wish her the best" Abba prayed "ameen" they chorused. "Dama ba......" Tauhida started again "we wanted to stay in this house for the duration of the wedding" she voiced "if you agree" she quickly added.

"How many are you?" He asked. "I don't know of the rest of her friends but we're four, five if she is included" Tauhida explained.

"Do you think your room will be enough for you?" Abba asked serving more food on his plate. "We can use both my room and the guest room opposite mine, it'll insha Allah be enough" Tauhida voiced.

"Ok then, they can come over. Allah ya kaimu" Abba prayed again. "Thank you so much Abba" She thanked as he finished his plate of food, he replied with a 'welcome' and left the dining room, his wife trailing behind him.

After she was done with her food she headed to her room and ended up chatting her night off. She chatted with her squad and the annoying boys on WhatsApp until she fell asleep leaving her phone's data on.


The day finally arrived, the day when they set out to the camp to have a family and friends picnic by the mountains and rivers. Tauhida woke up very early and arrived at Sophy's crib an hour earlier than the time they were suppose to leave. She was too excited to have been late for the journey.

Soon enough, everyone gathered at The Asif's Crib and they set out on their journey. Safwan (Sophy's brother) and his little family joined the trip, he had a two months baby girl.

The other family members, which included Sophy's mother, and her siblings joined the trip. Few of her cousins were also there and also the friends of her siblings, except Safwan, he didn't invite anyone to the trip.

~°°~A heart is made to share~°°~

Assalamu Alaikum!!
I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know these chapters are short but trust me, they're all I can type. But since the updates will be frequent, I will make it up to you.

And yes, it'll be a double update next because the next two chapters are related to each other.

We'll soon get deeply into the main story, the encounters, secrets and all insha Allah.
Please vote, comment and share my book to friends and family. Thank you!!
Lots of love,


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