Chapter 33

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~°°~Don't let your past kill the future~°°~

Nigerian police divisional headquarters, Jabi, Abuja, Nigeria.
17th March, 2022.

Iman, the one person who made Sayf to kill his future for a moment. She blocked everything good in his life and killed his happiness completely, in the most painful way at that.

Sayf and Tauhida sat in a room a bit similar to the one they talked with Marwan in, waiting for Iman to be brought in.

"Who are we going to meet?" Tauhida asked, she couldn't help it but ask. "The one person you should know about, the one who conspired with Marwan to kidnap you" Sayf replied. "My first love" He added. Even though it hurt Tauhida to hear that, she didn't allow it to bother her at all. What mattered was the fact that what she'd hear might not be a good one to her.

Tauhida just decided to nod her head and anticipate for the arrival of her husband's first love and it didn't take long before Iman was dragged into the room by a police woman.

"You have just ten minutes to say whatever you want to say, not more than that" The woman said unknowing to her that if he wanted, he'll spend hours talking to Iman and no one would say a word.

After all, he was the only major who exalted in his duties and was respected by all. Who with one statement his fate will be changed and it will bring him back to office rather than staying in camps and going on dangerous operations.

The police woman excused them afterwards and closed the door behind her.

"Are you here to make fun of me handsome?" Iman asked, how could she be so annoying with just a sentence. "Watch it Iman" Sayf warned but it didn't affect her one bit. She was the only person who had never been afraid of Sayf because she believed the love he had for her wouldn't let him hurt her.

"I'm not here to listen to your rantings, just wanted to check out how miserably you handled your life. You still do not realise what you've caused upon yourself but you will when you get what you actually deserve" Sayf blurted.

"I know you can't handle a solo Sayf, you need me so you won't let anything happen to me" Iman said, she was hellbent confident about something that doesn't even exist.

"That's where you're right Iman, but guess what, you're not even in the list of people I'll ever consider playing the band with. But her...." Sayf started as he slid Tauhida's hand into his "My wife, someone infinity times better than you in all aspects. She'll be with me and not choose me over anything like you did, she'll love me more than you ever did to me just like I do to her and guess what bilhaq I hate you now with every fibre and organ in me" Sayf completed, Iman was already fuming with an unseen anger.

"You disgust me Iman, everything about you does. But yes, I'll always find your life interesting because it is very entertaining to watch someone's life getting ruined just like you enjoyed watching yourself ruin my life. It is what you caused yourself so deal with it and enjoy the prison life" Sayf said before standing up on his feet, Tauhida's hand was still in his as they walked out of the room together.

They left Iman behind with a world full of agony and regret, she never realised how big she had messed up until that one day and she couldn't point out exactly why.

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