Chapter 16

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~°°~Time takes everyone to different places~°°~

Zambezi crescent, Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria.
15th February,
9:59 am
It was a week before Sophy's wedding events begin. Tauhida, Humaira, Xeexee and Husnerh have been going back and forth from their houses to Sophy's crib.

Apparently, Sophy was a type of bride that involves her friends with anything she did. She arranged a two weeks home Spa for not just herself, the four of them included.

The five of them have been getting a Spa for five days as of that time.

It was another day at Sophy's crib to get a spa. They were all in bath robes as they get attended to by assigned persons, each of them gets a person who helps with the scrubbing and stuffs.

"It is actually hard to believe Sophy is getting married. As in ba, she was the only one among us except Tauhida who had tendencies of getting married late because of how she doesn't talk to guys at all not knowing that you are an expert at doing that" Xeexee said through their conversation.

It was true that Sophy was never the one to talk to boys, not even to their classmates when they were in primary school.

"And why was Tauhida excluded if I may ask?" Tauhida asked Xeexee wondering but Humaira replied instead.

"Obviously because you are so indecisive and choosy. There was no way you could get married before us with those nonsense thoughts of yours. Like, what the hell is prince charming dan Allah" That answer made Tauhida to pout and glare at Humaira, she so much hated it when they talk bad about her thoughts.

"Let's not start with it Humaira and whatever you say won't change anything, just so you know" She shrugged. "Okay, but just to remind you, this is not Disney world" Humaira said which made Tauhida to pout again but decided to ignore her.

"Pouting causes wrinkles even at young ages like yours" Tauhida's attendant of the spa crew commented on her face expression which made everyone laugh. "I can't even imagine how ugly I would be with wrinkles" Tauhida said looking at herself through the mirror before sighing.

"I even have to wait for my prince charming before I have wrinkles" She added before laying back and just then, her phone started to ring. She picked the call without checking the caller ID to know who it was.

"Why may I ask, are you not at home?" Imran's voice came through the phone, there was no way she could make a mistake in recognising his voice.

"Ya ilahi, ya Imraaaannnn!!" Tauhida shouted through the phone. "Are you seriously back for your vacation already? I thought you said ending February" She added. "I wanted to surprise my sisters again but one of them is unfortunately not home when I got there" Imran explained.

"I'm at Sophy's crib. You know, about weddings and stuffs" She also explained to him. "Okay I get it, but will you be back early?" Imran asked. "What's the matter? L" Tauhida asked back, more like replied with a question.

"I am taking you two for ice-cream by 2:00pm, do you think you can make it by then?" Imran asked again. "Of course, I will be back by then" Tauhida replied. "Okay, don't be late" Imran said in warning tone "sure thing, see ya" She assured before disconnecting the call.

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