Chapter 25

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~°°~A sweet spot outside your comfort zone~°°~

Wuse 2, Abuja, Nigeria.
2nd March, 2022.
Preparations to leave for Gombe were going on at Tauhida's home, they were all leaving Abuja, probably for good. Tauhida just sat in her room as she watched her cousins go up and down packing her stuffs for her. They would ask her if she didn't need some of them and she would either nod or shake her head, to a point she stopped responding at all.

Imran still haven't agreed with his uncles regarding their sudden decision to leave Abuja. They had to stay back until the culprits get caught and he promised he would see it till it happens.

"Kawu you cannot do it, I'm saying it again. Even if Tauhida is to follow then I'm not going anywhere" Imran said again for the umpteenth time that day.

"Wai Imran don't you know about tawakkal" his uncle asked him. They just don't get him, if it was about tawakkal he would have let it go but the fact that the people who did that to them were still roaming about freely and could repeat the same to other people was definitely not okay for Imran. But rather than explaining that to his uncles, he didn't because he believed they should have enough sense to realise that themselves.

"Kawu I just don't care, I want justice and I'm getting it" Imran said with finality in his voice. "Imran you..."

"Someone is here to see you ya Imran" Imran's cousin voiced coming into the parlour. Imran didn't hesitate to stand up from his position because he was the one who asked Sayf to come see him immediately.

"Excuse me" Imran said to his uncles as he walked out of the parlour. He didn't intend to disrespect them but he had to do what he had on his mind even if it meant the end of his happiness.

Imran met Sayf outside and invited him in into his room, he claimed that Sayf was very important to them to be left outside like a stranger.

"What's the problem?" Sayf asked after they settled in the room when he noticed that Imran wouldn't start the conversation. "I want you to stop Tauhida from leaving, however you want to do it" Imran said what was in his mind.

"I can stop myself from leaving Abuja if I want but they'll never allow her to stay and the last thing I want to do is get separated from Tauhida for a long time, she's all I have after all" Imran completed.

"How do you expect me to do that? What can I possibly do to stop her from leaving?" Sayf asked the two questions simultaneously. "I don't know of that but there must be a way out" Imran replied.

Sayf became silent not knowing what to say, he doesn't have any method to stop Tauhida from leaving. He planned to follow her wherever she might go in the world just to make her his but not stop her from leaving at all.

"Marry her!" Imran suddenly said making Sayf's eyes to almost bulge out of their sockets. "Say what now?" Sayf asked. "I said marry her Sayf, it is the only way to keep her here" Imran replied.

"No Imran, how do you expect me to marry someone in just some hours, minutes if I may add because they will be leaving in less than an hour now" Sayf objected.

"Exactly, marriage won't take up to an hour to take place, gladly our uncles are here and our cousins as witnesses too, all we need is the waliy from your side and an imam" Imran insisted. "And her consent ba, you don't expect me to get married to her without her consent do you?" Sayf reminded Imran.

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