Chapter 10

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~°°~you're mine till the end of time~°°~

Few miles away from Abuja, Nigeria.
18th January, 2022.

Tauhida sighed again for the hundredth time since she was left alone and threw another pebble to a far distance. She was very bored out of life itself because no one was sitting to chat with her again, she enjoyed their company.

Just then, she heard the sound of a car driving into the field so she took her attention there. She stared as two people stepped out of the car and just like that, she recognised one of the two people.

"Ya Imran" she squealed standing up from her spot to run to his side which got his attention and everyone else as they all came out to receive any new orders that was gotten from the base.

Imran looked at his sister as if she'd grown two heads while the others looked at them as if they were aliens. "What are you doing here Tauhida?" Imran asked after she embraced him. He was already thinking that maybe his sister followed him to camp which is crazy but very possible since he knew how mad she could be at times.

"Ask your major" she said searching him with her eyes and when she found him, she rolled her eyes. "He was the one who mistook me for a terrorist and forcefully dragged me to this place. I was going to be taken to the base tomorrow if not for Allah loves me so he sent you as an angel to save me" Tauhida explained but Imran was still confused.

The possibility of Sayf going to his house to bring his sister there was 0%.

"Ask her what she was doing alone in the forest" Sayf said making Imran to turn to look at his sister again, she took that as the cue to explain

"We came to a fun camp with my friends and then we went treasure searching. I lost my bracelet when we got back so I had to go back to look for it, though I found it but I lost my way so I kept walking deeper into the forest, I was exhausted and very hungry that my stomach started grumbling. Immediately he saw me, he decided I was a terrorist so he brought me here" she explained.

"So stupid of you to go out in the forest alone when you know you don't know the way back and where is your phone?" He asked Tauhida. "I left it behind" she sighed.

"Ya ilahi Tauhida, you just keep on surprising me, you should have brought your phone along, I know you'll find signal at some point, but you didn't" he scolded.

"Ya Imran stop scolding me mana, I was going to cry myself to sleep fa because I thought that was how I will spend my life in the prison as I don't have anything to defend myself. And it's not like I did it intentionally" She ranted.

"Next time don't do it again, since I won't be everywhere to save you. Major, she's my blood sister so she did nothing illegal, I can assure of that" Imran said looking at Sayf who just nodded at him, he was standing with his hands in his pockets watching their little drama just like everyone else and he found the drama enticing.

"Captain your drama is funny" Zanna said chuckling a bit at them and just like they were waiting for their lead, they all laughed except Tauhida and Sayf. Tauhida was pouting while Sayf was keeping his usual emotionless face.

"Anything from the base?" Sayf asked when their laughter subsided. "Oh yes major. Our yearly vacation will start from 15th February, we are to report back to the base on that day so as to pass over the duty to the Chain team. And also on the same day, the general will be coming back from Portugal so we'll have to receive him from the airport before everyone starts his vacation" Imran explained at attention and Tauhida found that charming, she could think of her prince charming at that point of time.

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