Chapter 28

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~°°~Held captive by the past~°°~

Army base, Abuja, Nigeria.
9th March, 2022.
"Our mission was a success sir, the hostages have been rescued and handed over to the Nigerien government" Sayf reported.

They just returned back from Niger where they went on a rescue mission of two VIPs who were held captive by terrorists. The Nigerien government requested for help from Nigeria thus the army recruited the erudite team to go help.

"That's good, is anyone injured?" The Lieutenant Colonel asked. "No sir" they all replied at the same time. "Major, you're clearly injured. Get your wounds attended to before you leave" He said.

Sayf truly had some bruises and injuries that were not treated. "No thank you sir, I have a family to go back to as soon as possible" Sayf replied.

"Okay sure, you're dismissed" The Lieutenant Colonel replied, Sayf had a very good relationship with him because he once helped him when he was in need for it. The group of soldiers saluted to him before marching out of the office.

Each one of them took the cars they came with from the base garage and left.

Stepping into the house, the first person Sayf met was Abdullah. "Ya Sayf is back, ya Sayf is back....." Abdullah kept shouting going round the house.

In less than a minute, everyone in the house except Tauhida and the maids came out. Sayf exchanged greetings from each one of them before Amani went back in to inform Tauhida. Opening the door to her room, she found her by the door also trying to come out, her eyes were filled with tears waiting for the right moment to rush out.

Sayf came into Tauhida's parlour even before they left the place. It took just an eye gaze before the tears in Tauhida's eyes started to roll down on their own accord and that was when she realised just how much she missed his presence.

Sayf moved closer to her and took her into his embrace as her tears multiplied.

"Look at someone who promised not to worry about me" Sayf whispered to her hearing. Amani took that as her cue to leave so she left. The two stood there without any movement for a while before Tauhida decided to clean her tears so she left his embrace.

Tauhida gestured to his injuries with her eyes making him to know she wanted to dress them so he quietly followed her lead into her room. She took out the first aid kit in her room and sat down beside him on her bed before she started dressing his wounds. He didn't say anything but just sat there and kept staring at her.

"I broke the promise I made because I couldn't stop worrying" Tauhida typed on her phone.

"It's okay, I'm back now so everything is fine again". Yes, everything was fine again the moment she saw him. "You should go take a bath, I'll prepare something for you to eat until then".

"Never mind, I'll just take some tea, I need it more than food" Sayf said. Tauhida nodded before Sayf got up to go back to his room "take care" He said before finally walking out of the room.

Sayf felt very happy, it was like the love he had for Tauhida kept on multiplying with every passing day. When he reached his room, he didn't do what he wanted doing but instead took his journal to note down some things. He loved writing out his thoughts and feelings, it gave him hope.

Don't ask what hope, I also don't know.

Sayf slept after taking his bath, he didn't even get to drink the tea before doing that so he couldn't visit Tauhida for the night. Tauhida had a headache that night so falling asleep was easier even without the recitation.

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