Chapter 18

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~°°~You are in my every moment~°°~

Wuse 2, Abuja, Nigeria.
23rd February, 2022.
12:38 pm.

"They are all annoying me this morning, shouldn't they be here already so we will leave early?" Tauhida asked Sophy for the umpteenth time that morning.

It was the day Sophy's wedding events were to start and they were all supposed to gather at Tauhida's crib to stay for the period of the wedding. But that day being the day for Sophy's bridal shower, they had to leave for their spa and make-up early but none of them was there except for Sophy who had been there for three days as of that time.

"Relax Tauhida, what do you say about us waiting for their arrival downstairs in the parlour?" Sophy suggested and Tauhida agreed on doing that.

Few minutes of waiting in the parlour, they heard the door being knocked on and Tauhida swiftly carried her annoyed self to go get the door while Sophy sat still and waited for her.

"What the hell kept....." Tauhida stopped mid sentence when she saw who was at the door.

"If it isn't the devil's reincarnation himself who then?" She stated putting on a fake smile on her face. Tauhida was already annoyed that the girls didn't show up and then he had to be there at the moment.

"I heard that Tauhida" Sayf said as he stood by the door with Zanna, Jabir and Jalal. He had that unreadable look which he always wore. "You were meant to" Tauhida murmured making the rest to laugh.

"And yes, the first sentence wasn't for you, I am expecting some idiots who refuse to show up. But anyways, come on in and feel at home" Tauhida added ushering them into the house but guess what Sayf was thinking at that time... She is still her talkative self, He chuckled at that.

"Oh wow, so you know how to smile? You should do it often, it suits you and helps you hide that scary face of yours" Tauhida commented on the look he had.

She was surprised as to how he looked very unreadable just a moment back and then he was smiling the next that's why she decided to annoy him a bit but it didn't work because he just smiled at no one in particular.

She pouted and murmured something which wasn't heard before she turned and got back into the parlour, they followed her lead into the parlour and exchanged pleasantries with Sophy before she decided to excuse herself. "I will be in your room" She said to Tauhida.

"Wait for me. I have to go and call ya Imran after all" Tauhida said and together, they disappeared into the house, each one of them going to a different direction.

Knock! Knock! Tauhida knocked on the door to her brother's room twice. "Who is it?" Imran's drowsy voice came through the door. "Ya Imran you have guests" Tauhida informed him.

"They didn't mean this early did they?" Imran asked no one in particular referring to the time they told him about visiting him early that morning. "Just tell them I will be there in a few" Imran said and she replied with a 'yes' before turning to leave.

"On a second thought, bring them to the other parlour up here and please help me get them refreshments, your zobo for example" Imran said still laying on his bed. "I didn't tell you that my zobo is for the guy who almost shot me to death" Tauhida said rolling her eyeballs.

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