Chapter 7

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~°°~Time changes everything but life must go on~°°~

Opposite corner shops, 1st avenue, Gwarinpa, Abuja, Nigeria.
4:53 pm.

Chaos, was what was happening at Alhaji Hakeem Elnafaty's big compound. Everyone in the family was there making one fuss or the other except five people, Alhaji Hakeem himself, his first wife; Ruha, her daughter; Amani, the main reason of the chaos which is the second born of the household; Marwan and the only person that hadn't been home in decades which was Sayf.

What happened was that a visitor who came with a huge amount of money to the house lost the money, or rather it got stolen alongside her phone in her bag while she was using the toilet.

"We all know who the thief in this house is, no need to accuse further" His third wife whose friend was the reason behind the chaos, Hajiya Malika said. "Keh Malika, don't you dare, what do you mean by that?" His second wife and also cousin; Aaliyah asked hoping she wasn't referring to her son.

"Kai Anti, try and talk to my mother with respect fa" Malika's daughter; Layla said. She was her only child and was 19 years of age.

"Hey you there, my mother is not your mate, kibari tayi da uwarki bada keh ba (let her deal with your mother not you), you're not in the position that she'll talk to you" Aaliyah's daughter; Munawwarah warned. She was also the only daughter of Aaliyah but she had three brothers, the first is older than her; Marwan, he was 26 years of age. The next is younger than her; Abbas, he was 18 years of age and the last was; Abdulrahman, he was 11 years of age. Munawwarah was older than Layla with a year which means she's 20 years old.

"Munawwarah, don't dare me. And yes, just because we say the truth doesn't make any difference. We know that Marwan is the one who steals in this house to get drugs because you and your husband don't give him the money he needs. Idan baa kaddara ba (if not for destiny), why will a multi billionaire have a thief as a son" Malika said eyeing both the daughter and mother duo.

"Wallahi Malika kinji na rantse (you hear me swear), don't allow me to do something we'll both regret" Aaliyah warned. "Iyyi Ummi, at least you have the son compared to someone who's infertile to give birth to a boy" Munawwarah said earning a slap from layla.

Munawwarah gave a reflex action by also slapping Layla, The two of them were angered to the brim. Just when they were about to start a physical battle, Alhaji Hakeem Elnafaty's convoy of three cars drove into the compound making them to all stop whatever drama they were doing.

His family were so much afraid of him, including his wives because he doesn't show an expression to any of them and if any of them dared to cause trouble, he doesn't take it lightly, especially his children.

He stepped out of the car and walked towards the gathering to know what was wrong and just at the moment, Malika's friend was making her sentence.

"This is nothing to fight about you two. Malika, you know that I don't care about the money, I have them enough, I just need my Sim card" Malika's friend demanded.

"What's the problem?" Came Alhaji Elnafaty's voice as a question. No one dared to answer because they know he wouldn't be happy about It.

"Someone stole momma Malika's friend's money and phone in this house" Abdul blurted before anyone could stop him.

"Everyone, get in the house now and wait in my parlour" He commanded and everyone did just what they were told leaving only Malika's friend there.

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