Chapter 15

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~°°~you shouldn't be drowning on your own, learn to accept protection~°°~

Nnamdi Azikiwe international airport, Abuja, Nigeria.
15th February

The eight people from the erudite team lined up in their uniforms as they watched the aeroplane land. They moved forward marching towards the plane and stood at attention waiting for the person they came to escort to climb down the staircase.

As soon as the team sighted General Lucky Irabor, they saluted to show their respect to him as he climbed down the stairs with few other soldiers behind him. He acknowledged their greetings and they escorted him to the car while they entered four different cars and all headed to the Nigerian army base Abuja.

After completing the protocols, they went ahead to receive orders, all lined up beside one another as their Lieutenant Colonel spoke.

"On February 15th, the Nigerian army have declared a two months yearly vacation to the erudite team, bomb disposal squad. They are hereby notified to come back and serve their nation once again by 15th of April. They might be called back to action before the due date in cases of emergencies. The chain team will takeover their duties for the while. Any objection?" He asked after reading out the printed order on his hand which was signed and approved.

"No sir" They all replied in high voices, voices of soldiers.

"Good, you are now dismissed. Make sure to hand over your army identities before you leave" he added referring to their batch numbers and army codes which was in form of a necklace. "Yes sir" they answered again in attention before they marched out of the office.

Everyone of them was happy that he would have a rest for as long as two months. Among the things they liked about the army includes the vacation they get yearly. As soldiers, they knew their duties and they understood them quite alright so they respect each and every order. They passed out their identities and each one of them left to their homes while Sayf headed to his house out of town to pack, he was also finally going back home.

He reached his isolated house In 30 minutes. David was very happy to see him but became sad immediately after Sayf narrated everything to him and how they both were supposed to leave the house that very day. David refused of course, he decided to stay and watch over the house even if he would remain lonely, there was no way he would get lonelier than he already was. 

Sayf packed everything he knew he would need and placed them in his car. He did the needful of giving David a sum of money and also gifted him the other car in the house, that way David would have an easy way to go in and out of the forest to the city of Abuja.

They Said their last farewells and Sayf's car rolled out the gate to his house and headed for his home. Note the difference.

The next house Sayf's car rolled into was Alhaji Hakeem's residence. He parked his car properly in front of his mother's apartment and headed in without bringing out any of his luggage, he was still in his uniform.

"Mami, ya Sayf is back" Amani shouted immediately he entered the sitting room and ran to hug him. She was smiling widely at no one in particular, just a smile due to joy.

"Masha Allah, Masha Allah. Good to see you home Sayf" his mother Ruha said also with wide smiles as she went down the stairs. Her apartment just like the other four was a duplex of four rooms and two parlours, a kitchen, a store and a dining area. 

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