Chapter 20

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~°°~I have read in books that those people who love each other never get scared and those who get scared never even fell in love with each other~°°~

Wuse 2, Abuja, Nigeria.
24th February, 2022.

Getting ready for the Traditional ritual; kalatul and dilla which was taking place at Sophy's crib, they all were busy going up and down to prepare for everything they would need because it was likely impossible to return to Tauhida's after they left that morning.

Tauhida wanted to go plait her hair so she left as early as 7:00 that morning. She was returning back from the plaiter's home which was by their area, cladded in a lengthy hijab when she saw a person she knew she recognised.

Not to jump into conclusions, she moved closer to where he stood and found that he was on a phone but when she noticed closer, he was trying to reach someone on the phone but couldn't.

"Assalamu Alaikum" Tauhida greeted not sure of how to start a conversation.

"Tauhida?" Shafiq asked surprised that he saw her there. Her face was devoid of any form of makeup, not even her lips held some lip balm, it was dry exactly but wasn't chapped. Even though she looked like she hadn't taken her bath for weeks, he still thought she was looking beautiful.

"What are you doing here?" He asked again. "I should be the one to ask you that because you're practically in my home" Tauhida said giving him the 'what the hell' look.

"This is your house?" Shafiq asked. "It looks like" Tauhida replied still giving him the look. "Quit that look on your face will you? I came here to pass a message to partner I......." Shafiq started but stopped midway. "Why did you stop explaining? I know you wanted to say partner in crime, every sane person would know so just tell me who exactly you came to meet" Tauhida chuckled making him to also do the same.

"Sophy, I came to meet her" Shafiq explained. "Since when?" Tauhida asked in surprise. "Since when what?" Shafiq asked back. "Since when do you know her, ever since I knew her I never heard her talk about you" Tauhida replied.

"That's probably because she doesn't want to, she's my cousin, favourite one to add" Shafiq explained. "Oh okay. I'll just pass on that" Tauhida said. "Help me inform her I was here and hand her this" Shafiq said giving Tauhida a bag and she accepted it.

"Okay, bye" Tauhida replied and made her way to the gate. "Tauhida" Shafiq called back and she turned. "Can I get your number?" He finally asked the one question he had been dying to ask her ever since they met the first time which was when she was paired with him at the entrance during the wedding of his friend.

"Okay" Tauhida replied even though the question was polar (yes or no question). She voiced out her number while he dialled it on his phone before they said their last farewells and parted ways.

"Delivery for the bride" Tauhida announced to Humaira and Xeexee entering her room with the bag in her hands, She kept the bag on her bed because Sophy was inside the toilet taking a bath. "I'll go take my bath, tell her that Shafiq brought it" Tauhida added before exiting the room to Rumaisa's.

Not long after they all were ready and have packed their attire for the day, a call came through and they were informed that cars have been sent to them which will take them to Sophy's crib. Tauhida decided to take her car with her because she doesn't want to be left stranded with no one to take her back home when the time comes even though she knew it was almost impossible, but things happen don't they?

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