Chapter 39

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~°°~With you, I have light in me~°°~

380m South, military demarcation line, Bama, Maiduguri, Borno, Nigeria.
23rd November, 2022.
He missed home, no doubt on that. It never occurred to him that he'll miss home that much because he thought now that he was on good terms with his family, It would be easier.

But then he was wrong because he missed them more than he did while he was away from home completely for years. She, was whom he missed the most, she wouldn't get off his thoughts as long as he was not busy and it drove him crazy.

Sayf had thought about leaving the army but then when he told Tauhida, she instantly dismissed the idea. Her orders exactly "Don't ever remove that uniform unless I tell you to do so"

And of course he obeyed, he was a soldier afterall so he knew the consequences of not following orders. But then after much persistence, Tauhida agreed but on the condition that only after she becomes a mother. He teased her so much because of that until she regretted ever saying it.

Sayf swept away his thoughts for the moment and returned to his shoveling. Yes, he was shoveling at the camp because of how the day turned less busy for him. He was not just going to sit in his tent and do nothing, maybe in the next life he'll be that lazy.

"Major, major" Sayf heard his name being called by Ray from afar.

"What's the problem Ray?" Sayf asked when he got closer. "Code red, there's been an attack on our barricades, Tribute team has asked for an emergency back up" Ray said. "How long has the attack been going on?" Sayf asked as he dropped the shovel on the floor and walked fast to the control tent while Ray followed his lead.

"About 2 minutes now" Ray replied. "Get the cars ready, Erudite team now" Sayf shouted. On hearing that, each of the erudite team members gathered where he was.

He explained the situation to them and each of them started to get their arms and explosives ready. Within a minute, they set out for their barricades which was few kilometres away from their camp.

"Erudite team, I want you to make this a success. And no one gets hurt, that is an order" Sayf said after they've reached.

"Yes sir" they all replied before each of them took a different path. They didn't have some sort of plan or strategy on how to control the attack but they had faith in their training and knew that even if it would cost their lives, they would protect their country.

The attack was still going on after 5 minutes, many have been killed and many injured. Every slight mistake would make one of them to take a bullet on his chest.

"I'm out of bullets" Sayf announced after a while. "I'll cover you up" Imran said running to his side and hiding where Sayf was. "You should go get more bullets" Imran suggested. "I can't leave, they'll get a chance to set the explosives when they see we are less in number" Shoot. Sayf said.

"We need to get them to stop" Imran said.


"But we're too far to throw an explosive" Imran said again. "Okay erudite listen up. I need you all to cover, I just need 30 seconds" Sayf voiced dropping his gun on the floor.

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