Chapter 21

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~°°~I close my eyes to see the words my mouth doesn't dare to speak!~°°~

Blue velvet luxury marquee, Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria.
25th February, 2022.

Junaid couldn't be more proud when he walked into the hall side to side with his wife, his wife's hand in his. He had that long desire to hold her hand confidently in front of everyone so they would know she's his and he's proud of that.

Sophy as well couldn't be more happier, she felt safe that he was finally hers, she felt safe that he was holding her hands. That action made her to decide that she would never let anything to come between them as long as she breathe life.

Unlike the other events, the entrance of that event was decided to be different. Every groomsman and bridesmaid had to pair up and come in as a couple while a song was being played. They already gave a list of the groomsmen and bridesmaids each paired with one another.

Shafiq attended the event, as a groomsman but he wasn't paired with Tauhida for the entrance but rather Humaira.

It was after all the groomsmen and bridesmaids entered that finally, the groom and bride entered making everyone to clap at their beauty, they indeed looked perfect for each other. Just like all other events, they looked stunning.

The bride and groom sat on their beautifully decorated chair, right next to each other before the event started.

A wedding that made history was that of Safiyya Asif Muhammad, all the events were grand even though few people were able to attend. They made sure every detail made an importance, from the very first event to the last.

The bridal shower, even though with very few people, was a one many brides would dream to organise.

The luncheon was grand in a way everyone enjoyed it. The kalatul, Dilla and wushe wushe made sure to portray the greatness of every kanuri in the world, how they never fail to respect their cultural beliefs, norms and traditions.

The wedding fatiha, a memorable one with fifty to hundred people who attended. The kamu, portraying the Hausa culture, gave every single detail of royalty, intrepidity and boldness of the Hausa culture. They made sure to give a detailed organisation to the kamu which included the traditional drumming and trumpeting, the royal attire, the horses and the unveiling, everything was made perfect.

The MC invited over the groom's best friend to come say the biography of the groom and he did so but when it was the turn for the bride's best friend, none of her squad attempted to make a move but instead started arguing about who must go and who must not go because they didn't plan for it.

After much argument which lasted for about a minute, Tauhida decided to step out because she could say she had the closest relationship with Sophy more than all of them.

"Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullah wa barakatuhu. My name's Tauhida and as Safiyya's closest yet laziest friend, I would like you to know a little about her. Her full name, even though you all must know, Is Safiyya Asif Muhammad. She attended Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Staff nursery and primary school there at Bauchi before she moved back to Abuja and she is currently pursuing a masters degree in computer science at Base University here in Abuja. Safiyya as far as I know is a very kind person, her character is always without question and she always stands for what she believes. She respects everyone without expecting a reciprocation which makes her unique to me and I believe to her husband insha Allah. No matter how many paragraphs, sentences or words I use, I would still not be able to mention all good qualities of her except we'll be here for the next ten days, oopps I mean ten years" Tauhida said making the crowd laugh.

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