Chapter 40(End)

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~°°~Every beginning has an end~°°~

Gwarinpa, Abuja, Nigeria.
26th November, 2022.
Though assumption is the lowest level of knowledge, it is still a form of knowledge. He assumed it will produce an effect out of all proportion to the trifling muscular effort he had made to dress himself up for her.

Sayf knew it was always the ladies that dress up for their husbands but he decided the rule should change. He wanted to do things that she was supposed to do herself.

Satisfied with how he looked, he smiled one last time before moving out of the closet to the room.

"How do I look?" Sayf asked and Tauhida turned to look at him. "You say what now?" Tauhida asked back. "I asked how I look" Sayf replied and Tauhida burst out laughing. "Seriously, what is making you laugh now?" Sayf asked moving closer to her "Are we in a circus?" He asked again.

"Not really, usually the ladies ask about how they look. Kai miye naka da tambaya irin wannan oho" Tauhida said before turning back to the mirror.

"Kika sani ko I've decided to be a lady?" Sayf said smiling sheepishly. "Kambu Sayf" Tauhida voiced swiftly turning back to look at him.

"It's Roohie for you and just tell me how I look, I decided to dress up for you" Sayf said. "Why bother asking if you already know the answer?" Tauhida asked. "I want to hear you say it" Sayf said in a flirty tone making Tauhida to chuckle. "You look drop dead handsome, like a prince" Tauhida said and turned immediately to prevent him from seeing the blood that rushed on her face, instant goosebumps.

"I believe it now that you told me yourself" Sayf said hugging her from behind.

"You still haven't told me about the first time you saw me" Tauhida said. "You went shopping with your sister" Sayf said. "Many girls went shopping that day I'm sure, what made you notice me instead?" She asked. "A guy came to flirt and you cried, that was what made me notice" Sayf replied honestly. He didn't want to give her in details but wanted to tell her the truth, even if it was part of it.

"You're rare, you fell for a cry baby?" Tauhida voiced.

"I knew you faked it so it was normal to be amazed at that. It was just amazement at first, I fell when we met again" Sayf again. "I'd believe you, now let's get going" Tauhida said picking up her veil to cover up her body.

Sayf held her hand and together, they exited the room to go have a shopping date. They ought to spend some quality time together before Sayf returns back to work.


One of the most potent elements in body language is the eye behaviour. Sayf stood there as he exchanged eye contacts with her. He didn't know what to feel, or how to react or even how to decipher what was in front of him.

After months of searching only to see her being slapped by someone while she was on her knees. Of course he got angry and slapped the person back, the person had to run for his life. Then they stood there, no words exchanged but an eye contact was definitely made.

Though it didn't remain long before she burst out in painful tears. "Come here" Sayf said as he dragged her into an embrace. He didn't care that she'd ruin his shirt with the dirt on her body or even her tears, all he cared about was to make her feel better.

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