Chapter 29

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~°°~The journey may leave a scar~°°~

Gwarinpa, Abuja, Nigeria.
10th March, 2022.

"I returned just yesterday and you are already planning to take my wife away from me?" Sayf asked, more like complained to Amani and Layla.

"It is just for few hours ya Sayf and the poor woman have not stepped her legs out of this house to have some fun ever since you got married, except for the day we visited uncle Arshad's" Layla said.

"Exactly, she's not a prisoner" Amani also commented, the two were hell bent on taking Tauhida out with them. "Okay, let me get ready and take you guys out. Is that fine with you?" Sayf offered. "No it's not, it is a girls day out so you cannot tag along, we'll manage by ourselves" Amani replied.

"That's absurd, just let me drive you" Sayf insisted, he thought he could also be as stubborn as they were. "Not gonna happen, you'll just make us uncomfortable because we won't get to say and do things we want to do" Amani also insisted.

"Okay then, be careful on your way" Sayf said. He expected them to have left already but they didn't and when he raised up his head to look, he found them with wide grins on their faces and that's when he understood they wanted more than just permission from him.

"What again?" Sayf asked even before any of them could speak to him. "Can you lend us your card, we don't have enough money for the shopping" Amani requested.

Sayf knew already that they wouldn't leave until they convinced him so he just brought it out and handed it over to them and also told them the pin before they left the room.

The two headed back to Tauhida's room and informed her about Sayf's permission to follow them, they planned on going out after zuhr prayer.

Tauhida took a bath and got dressed into a lilac coloured Abaya. She was about to tie her hair into a bun when the door opened. Sayf stood still for a moment staring at Tauhida's hair, he could have said he never saw that much of hair if not for his mother's. 

"I see you agreed to abandon me" Sayf said immediately he came inside. Tauhida took the pen and book he left behind the other night and got writing. "Abandon is kinda big for the situation" Tauhida wrote down before dropping the pen and book back to their previous position and continued with what she was doing originally.

"Whatever it is, it hurts like hell" Sayf said and Tauhida could only chuckle as she struggled with her hair.

"May I help you with that?" Sayf asked moving even closer to where she was sitting. Tauhida quickly dragged her phone to reply him before he reached out for her hair. "Hey i don't really want my hair to look like it was hunted" Tauhida typed.

"You actually don't believe I can do this?" Sayf asked, Tauhida didn't reply him but instead sent him a look that did. "Trust me, I can pull this off, I do it a lot on Mami's hair" Tauhida was then convinced to let him do her hair.

Don't blame her, no sane someone would want her hair to look terrible just because someone offered to help her with it. She nodded her head and he took that as his cue to help her tie her hair.

"Done" Sayf said when he finished. "Thank you" Tauhida lipped while he read it. She then stood up and headed for her cap and veil, she placed the cap on her head and rolled the veil around her head and shoulders protectively. All the while, Sayf was just looking at her.

"I keep on realising how lucky I am to have you as a wife" Sayf complimented.

"That was cheesy" Tauhida typed making Sayf to laugh. "It's weird when you laugh" Tauhida typed and she meant it. That was her first time seeing him laugh, it was always a smile. "I'll try to do it more often so it won't be weird anymore" Sayf replied. "Uh um, shall we get going?" Amani asked, she had been standing there for a while but none of them noticed.

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