Chapter 3

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~°°~Love that breaks you but still keeps you together, love that drives you away but still brings you closer

2nd January, 2022.
7:45 am

"And by the looks of it, someone will choke very soon" Rumaisa said clearly referring to Tauhida. "You mean me Adda Ruma?" Rumaisa asked pointing at herself. "I didn't even call your name Tauhida" she laughed making Tauhida gasp while all the others laughed at her childishness.


Tauhida had the best family with the best people. Her perfect funny family made her to forget the outside world often even though she had friends, she loved her family more than anyone else.

Why wouldn't she, when every single member of the family loved her unconditionally, they cherished her, they made her happy and they took good care of her.

Another set of people who give her half of that joy were none other than her very own squad of 5 people, Herself, Aisha Abubakar aka Humaira, Safiyya Asif Muhammad aka Sophy, Zainab Ishaq Mu'az aka Xeexee and lastly Asma'u Yusuf aka Husnerh.

It is said that there are different level of safety one feels within when with someone, she doesn't know of others though but she surely felt safe with any of those four.

She had other friends but she hardly related with them like she did with those four, they just clicked too well especially with Humaira.

After their little family breakfast, Abba left for work while the other family members headed to their rooms.

Alhaji Al-amin Borodo owned a production company which he produced light products but still earned quite an adverse amount of money, enough to carter for his family needs and also give them luxury. In other words, he earned a lot. He still managed the company as his only son showed no interest in business but rather, army life.

Imran wanted to go shopping because there were things he needed and also to shop for his next trip back to camp, he wanted to be prepared so as not to waste any time when the day he leaves arrive.

Tauhida and Rumaisa decided to follow their brother to shop. They decided to follow him because each of them had one thing or the other that they've wanted buying.

They got ready as Tauhida changed into a brown abaya, she rolled it's veil protectively around her hair. Rumaisa changed into a pink Atamfa sewed into an A-shaped gown and also flung a matching veil, while Imran wore a turtle neck black shirt pairing with a black tuxedo and matching trousers. They entered one car and zoomed off, Tauhida being at the passenger's seat.

They split up as everyone took a trolley for the shopping. Tauhida who cared less was shopping and chatting with her squad on the phone. The group they named "loud house" was busy as they were preparing for Sophy's wedding which was few months ahead of time, she was getting hitched as they claimed.

She shopped for few stuffs and finally stopped shopping in front of the last thing she needed but instead of picking it up, she gave her full focus on the phone ignoring the many eyes on her. She found it weird when people look at her in that manner, she actually found it rude for someone to stare at her. I could trip and fall she always thought.

Just then, someone decided he needed to spoil her mood as he approached her. Her breath almost hitched at his strong unpleasant perfume, it had a choking scent because of how strong and much it was.

"Hi baby, you're looking gorgeous" the man who arrived said. One could mistake him for her husband because of that particular sentence of his.

Tauhida looked up to see if he looked anything like her prince charming but he didn't so she locked her phone and placed it in her backpack then..... She started crying acting psycho.

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