Chapter 30

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~°°~But scars can heal you~°°~

Nigerian police divisional headquarters, Jabi, Abuja, Nigeria.
11th March, 2022.
"Inspector, we have to act fast" Sayf said, he noticed the inspector was a lazy a** and wasn't trying to find a solution to their problem as fast as they want. "Take everything easy, we can't rush things" The inspector replied.

"You can't tell us not to rush things god damn it" Imran shouted, he was as the peak of loosing his patience and couldn't resist the anger burning out of him. It was the same for Sayf too but he kept trying his best not to burst out and was glad when Imran did, the inspector needed to know they weren't there for nonsense.

Imran took a sigh after the burst and tried to calm himself down.

" Look here inspector, we're both soldiers. We would have done what we intended to do centuries back but we decided to follow protocols, so just get your team now and go by our plan" Imran said, he tried to calm himself down but it wasn't working so he just said his mind out.

"What you don't understand sir is that there are hostages involved in this case, we can't act rashly" The inspector said again.

Okay I'm also getting annoyed with this guy😂.

"Inspector, you can't tell us how to act when it comes to hostages. The last bloody time I remembered the damn Nigerian government didn't call the police department to join in the rescue of the Nigerien hostages" Sayf also blasted. It was taking everything in them not to beat the inspector black and blue.

The inspector noticed he might get on their bad sides and just decided to call out for his team.

"Okay. The captain and I are going there first and we'll try our best to see the hostages are safe and when that happens, we'll signal you to come to our aid. And mind you, you have to stay hidden until we ensure their safety so no sirens and no noises" Sayf explained to the lined team of policemen.

"Yes sir" They replied him. "Okay, let's make this short and precise" Imran said as he led the way outside of the building.

They drove to the location and the policemen stopped at a distance from the house so as not to gain suspicion.

Driving into Marwan's mansion, they pulled over in front of the main door. It turned out that even though late Alhaji Hakeem didn't give a way for Marwan to acquire any property or money, he still managed to steal a large amount of money.

Sayf knew that but decided to turn a blind eye because he wanted to give them some of the money so they'll be able to make something useful out of their lives, but he was regretting it already.

Sayf and Imran walked further into the house and the first person they saw there was Layla. There were no other people apart from her there and she was also not conscious of their arrival.

"Layla" Sayf called making her to be aware of their presence. She didn't say anything but just bursted in tears.

Sayf moved closer to her and started to untie her from the chair she was tied to. The knot was very tight that it got her wrist bleeding to a point she felt dizzy.

"Let's get her to the car first" Imran suggested and Sayf agreed before they went out of the house again. They managed to stop her bleeding hand and also gave her some water to take before she could speak.

"They locked them elsewhere this morning, I don't know where" Layla said.

"It's okay, we'll look for them but in a meanwhile, we'll lock you up inside the car so you remain safe even if something is happen to us" Sayf explained to her and she nodded. They locked her up in the car and made their way back into the house, even deeper.

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