Chapter 19

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~°°~You don't understand how much you really mean to me~°°~

Wuse 2, Abuja, Nigeria.
23rd February, 2022.
10:16 am

"Good morning Maiyyi" Tauhida greeted her mother who was in her parlour. "Sai yanzu aka Tashi? (Are you waking up just now?)" Maiyyi asked.

"It is because we came back home tired. Where is Adda Ruma and Abba?" Tauhida asked her mother. "Ruma went out just few minutes ago and your father wouldn't have waited for you to wake up before leaving for work would he?" Maiyyi asked back. "You should go eat, breakfast is on the dining table up here and Imran's is downstairs so inform him" Maiyyi added referring to the dining room they have up the stairs.

"Okay Maiyyi, let me get going" Tauhida declared before moving out of the room. She visited each of the rooms occupied by the bridesmaids calling them out for breakfast and they did just as she informed them. Together, they sat on the dining table and started eating breakfast.

"Bama, Nutella or Jam" Tauhida asked them. "Eww!! Bama Kuma?" Xeexee commented. "Yes Bama, don't you know that bread is very delicious with mayonnaise?" Humaira replied. "Only weird people like you and Tauhida can eat bread with mayonnaise" Xeexee said again.

"I also eat with mayonnaise" Husnerh commented. "I thought you have sense but I think I guessed it all wrong" Xeexee said looking weirdly at Husnerh. "I'll go with some Nutella"  Xeexee added. "Mind if I have Jam?" Sophy asked. "Okay, I'll just get all three of them and some plates and spoons, we also need tissue, but I need help" Tauhida said getting up from where she sat.

"Let's go together" Xeexee said and Humaira also followed them to the kitchen. Just then, Sophy's phone started to ring and it was her husband to be so she excused herself back to Tauhida's room.

Sophy was the type of girlfriend who liked phonecalls. Even though her husband to be never liked phone calls, he changed just so she would be happy. Yes, that's how much he loved her.

Coming out of his room in army pants and a vest, he headed to the dining room to go get his breakfast there. He didn't know that there were people in the dining room so he only cared less, and to think that he forgot they had more than they were in the house, that too girls.

Coming into the dining room, he froze. If it was in any other situation, he would have shrugged it off but he couldn't because she was there. Seeing that they didn't notice his entrance because he didn't make any sound, he decided to make his presence known by saying the taslim.

"Assalamu Alaikum" He voiced putting his hands in his pockets. "Wa'alaikum assalam" Husnerh, Maryam and Jiddarh replied while Fadwa just ignored what she heard. Yes, she was that type of a person, the rude proud spoilt brat who doesn't care about anything except herself.

Husnerh raised her heads up to see the intruder even though she knew there was only one male in the house apart from the father but she looked anyways just to confirm. Immediately they had an eye contact, she dropped her eyes back to the floor.

"Ina kwana" She greeted. "Ina kwana" the other two also greeted. "Lafiya, where's Tauhida please?" Imran asked. "Did someone say angel?" Tauhida voiced coming into the room together with the other two.

"I don't know about angel but I certainly heard devil " Humaira replied from behind Tauhida earning an eye roll while she and Imran laughed at that.

Imran and Humaira had that close friendship with each other because they had known each other since ever, Imran was the perfect brother figure to Humaira and she couldn't be more appreciative.

"Ya Imran you're playing with your breakfast, I could just deprive you of it you know?" Tauhida asked, more like stated sitting back at her previous position.

"I would just ask other people then. Where is my food?" Imran said and asked the latter directly to Husnerh. Husnerh held the confused look which shouted why will he ask me about his food but she didn't say a word anyways. "I see it's hard to get you to talk" Imran whispered to himself.

"Don't bother wasting your time, I'm the only one who knows where it really is" Tauhida said and Imran knew he had to use his power to get his food because even emotional blackmail would not work on Tauhida.

"Tauhida!" Imran called in a serious tone that told Tauhida not to mess with him anymore. Even though he was pretending, she couldn't detect that. "It is in the dining room downstairs, I bet you're the only one who haven't eaten breakfast by 7:30 today and don't include me, I had my reasons" Tauhida explained making Husnerh to chuckle which made her to instantly regret because it was like a graveyard silence when she chuckled so everyone heard her.

Imran smiled at that and excused himself out of the room without another word from him because he believed he achieved something by making her chuckle to his hearing.

"Where's Sophy?" Tauhida asked finally giving her friends a chance to talk because they don't seem to fit in any other conversation. "Lover girl I say, he called and she left her food untouched" Jiddarh replied. "I don't know of other people but I'm sure no love in this world can make me miss my food" Tauhida declared "Exactly my sister, like what the heck?" Xeexee commented.

"She can die of hunger for all I care, love trying to kill pesin" Humaira said making them to all laugh. And that was how they ate breakfast, chit chatting and cracking jokes every now and then until they were done.
Maitama, Abuja.

Moving out of the car was Sophy dressed in a chic and comfy silver fabrication of lightweight fitted gown. She wore silver heels and tied her head with a silver veil.

Her friends as planned wore black, slaying out in gowns each with the same style as they escorted Sophy down the aisle of the backyard of Alhaji Asif Muhammad's residence.

Followed by the bridesmaids was the groom and groomsmen. The groom dressed in ash getzner and a matching cap while the groomsmen in pure white.

The event started immediately after their entrance. They presented speeches, choreographed dance by Sophy's sisters and cousins, random dancing and music and all type of refreshments were there in the event.

Lots of pictures were taken and the couples made sure to maintain their distance to a considerable one as the tie was yet to be knotted.

~°°~You don't understand how much you really mean to me~°°~

Hi everyone, how have you been doing.
Still in the wedding bells huh, you're enjoying it?

Next is Wushe wushe, so iron your lafayas and get ready💃.

Well if you're not then be patient, we're slowly getting there, sorry for the short chapter.
Not much to say so please vote, comment and share my book to friends and family.
Lots of love,


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