Chapter 24

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~°°~ I'm praying that I'll make it out alive ~°°~

Cornerstone Specialist hospital, Wuse Abuja, Nigeria.
28th February, 2022.
Opening her eyes, she shut them back due to the sudden light. Her head started throbbing because of how bright it was for her eyes. She then tried to adjust to the light by opening her eyes again before closing it back in a second, she tried one more time and succeeded to keep her eyes open to the room.

Tauhida scanned the room only to find an unidentified person by her side. Is this a dream? She wondered. " Masha Allah, you're awake " Amani said with a smile, she had been with her for the two days she was unconscious, but sometimes changes position with Tauhida's cousin who came from Gombe.

" Let me get the doctor okay?" Amani added before exiting the room to do what she said. Tauhida kept on wondering what was going on but hearing the lady mention the doctor made her to think hard about what was going on. Suddenly, she remembered everything and how she found herself in the hospital making her to start shedding tears.

The doctor came in shortly after that with some nurses and Amani. " Hi there, how do you feel?" The doctor asked and Tauhida attempted to talk but she couldn't say anything to him. " Are you in pain anywhere?" He asked again but she didn't reply him even though she attempted for the second time again. "Talk to me" He said again then Tauhida shook her head indicating a no. The doctor started to wonder why she didn't say a word and asked " Is it your voice?" The doctor asked and she nodded quickly, tears still rolling from her eyes.

" Run a test nurse, now" The doctor ordered before leaving the room. The nurses got a stretcher, placing her on it, they wheeled her to the observation room to run a test.

Meanwhile, Imran and Sayf were in a room at Imran's place with the police talking about the case. " Thank you for your cooperation, we will also like to ask your sister some few questions" A police officer said to them after they had an interrogation session with them.

" She's at the hospital at the moment, in a coma so you can't interrogate her" Imran replied the officer. " Okay then, but let us know when she's ready for the interrogation I think we'll find more information about the case from her, she might have witnessed something you didn't" The officer said and Imran nodded. "We'll take our leave" The officer added. "Okay safe trip officer" Sayf replied and they exchanged handshakes before the officers left.

The two were about to go out back to where they receive the greetings when Sayf got a call, it was Amani. She informed them about Tauhida waking up and how she was in the observation room as they spoke. " We'll go together" Imran declared when he heard the reason for the call.

" But who will be here to meet with people?" Sayf asked him. "I can't just sit here accepting greetings for the people who are already gone when there are chances I might loose another, I cannot do that" Imran replied. " My cousins and uncles are here, they'll take care of everything" Imran added. "okay, let's go" Sayf agreed and the two went out through the back to Sayf's car before leaving for the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital, they saw Tauhida unconscious again, being wheeled back to her room and they followed. The nurses explained that the result will come in 10 minutes and they sat there waiting for the time to arrive.

As for Humaira, she left for her home that morning as she was discharged and asked to take rest. None of her squad knew what the situation was because when they arrived at Gombe the other day, they were told that there was a barbecue that will take place the next day so they stayed back. But everyone was on their way back that very day.

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