Chapter 16

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"Would you like to dance ma'am?" Jung-jae is holding out his hardworking hand to me. The band is playing a slower paced tune, but it is by no means a slow dance.

I slowly nod with a smile. "I would like nothing more, Jung-jae." He proudly puts his one arm high around my back, clasping his other hand around mine.

"You look like you're having fun, little lady." he says with a wide grin, showing more of the creases around his deep grey eyes.

I can't stop smiling. I really am having fun. "I'm having the time of my life, Jung-jae." I enthusiastically reply.

"How long will you be staying with us at Manoban Ranch?" he asks with interest.

I look straight into his kind eyes. "Two weeks." I smile up at him. For an old man, he really can dance. Although slow, he confidently takes the lead.

Jung-jae's grin widens. "In that case, we'll soon have you looking like a real cowgirl, won't we?" he sweetly says. When he smiles, his years of laughter reveal themselves to me. Jung-jae is a darling, such a wise old soul. A man who is ruggedly kind and warm...a real gentleman.

"How long have you worked here, Jung-jae?" I ask with an interested smile.

Jung-jae holds his head high. "Thirty-five years ma'am and I've loved every single one of them." he says so proudly.

My eyes widen. I can't possibly imagine being in the same job for that long. "That's a lot of years. I don't think I'll ever stay in the same job for that long." I admit.

Jung-jae looks at me, his expression solemn. "That's because you're in the wrong job."

I roll my eyes. "Tell me about it." I sullenly pout.

"You'll find your way, little lady." Jung-jae twirls me around. Already, I'm so very fond of this charming old man.

"May I cut in, Jung-jae?" I momentarily freeze. Is that really her? I dare myself to look at her. Lisa stands beside Jung-jae, wearing a gentle smile.

"Of course, Lisa...enjoy." Jung-jae affectionately pats my arm before leaving us.

Lisa holds out both her hands to me. I tentatively reach for them. Her fingers pull me to her, curling around mine. I'm not entirely sure how my body is going to react to being held within her arms. I am, however, very aware of my heart. It beats furiously hard, so hard, I dare not get too close, because she will surely feel it.

I slowly step forward, keeping a safe distance away from her chest. Lisa looks down at me. Those adorable amber eyes look deep into mine. I'd happily drown in them and die a very happy woman. When I feel her firm hand softly resting on my lower back, I have to stop myself from gasping out loud. Her touch is rendering me unable to control my body. It no longer wants to respond to me, it only wants to respond to Lisa.

As we sway to the music, I feel like I am floating. I feel wonderfully unattached to my own body. This is surely a dream. I'm actually dreaming and this is some cruel trick that my desperate mind has conjured up on its own.

"You look mighty fine tonight, Jennie." I almost jump at her words, being abruptly brought back to sweet reality.

"You too." I mumble, still afraid to get too close to her.

I know Lisa is looking at me, I can feel her looking at me. "Your hair smells nice." she says quietly.

"Thank you." I shyly bite down on my lip.

Lisa pulls back slightly. "Why can't you look at me?" she asks, forcing our eyes to meet.

"I do look at you." I reply, looking nervously over her shoulder.

She lowers her head. "Prove it." she says in a commanding, yet soft voice. I lift my chin to meet her heavy stare. The urge to kiss her lips is overwhelming. Although her expression is serious, she has this playful look dancing across her eyes.

I stubbornly stare at her. "See, it's easy." I nonchalantly say, completely blowing my defiant cover by nervously biting on my lip again.

Lisa smiles. "I like it when you look at me, Jennie. Sometimes, you act just like a frightened little kitten."

"I'm not frightened." I tell her, in a hurried defensive voice.

Her voice becomes even gentler. "What is it then?" she calmly asks.

I hesitate before answering, so Lisa smiles to reassure me. My tense shoulders relax by dropping down. "I suppose it's because I feel a little embarrassed around you." I admit in a small voice. As soon as the reply has left my mouth, I look to the floor, still swaying in her arms.

"Why?" she asks in surprise.

"Because I like you." I can feel the bloody rushing to my head. That's it. I've totally gone and opened my very big mouth. Shit!

Lisa's chest expands against me, laughing gently. "And, I like you too."

I jerk my head back. "You do?" I ask with an incredulous stare.

"I wouldn't be here, if I didn't." she says with a shit hot smile. Damn! She really does like me! I now feel about ten feet tall. In her arms, I suddenly feel super confident. I glanced around the room, realising that we're being stared at by so many people. I watch them, looking over at us, whispering with rather obvious cupped hands.

I look up at Lisa. "Everyone is looking at us." I whisper.

She doesn't seem fazed at all by my comment. "I know they are." she calmly replies.

I frown hard. "Why?"

"Because I never dance."

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