Chapter 22

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I've been riding for an hour. Trying to remain inconspicuous at the back of the group. I must stand out like a Korean sore thumb because I notice Mino is waiting up ahead, obviously waiting for me to catch up to him. Shit! The others ride on past him, eventually leaving us all alone.

Mino greets me with one hell of a smile. "Hey there, I thought it was you. I'm sorry, I don't remember your name." he asks with a confident grin.

"It's Jennie." I reply with the faintest of smiles.

He nods with an open mouth. "That's right, Jennie. I just wanted to apologize if I offended you the other night. I had a few too many drinks, but I was only messing around." he tells me in his strong cowboy drawl, throwing me yet another 'am I forgiven' smile.

Mino is likeable, without a doubt. He has this boyish cockiness about him that's hard to not like. "I know and you didn't offend me." I tell him with a genuine warm smile.

He rides closer to me. "So, how do you like Manoban Ranch so far?" he asks.

"I'm loving it here." I answer, unable to contain my smile.

He looks out at the beauty in front of him. "Everyone does, they come and never want to leave." he replies, looking across at me with his head tilted. I feel fidgety in my saddle because of the way he keeps looking at me. I wrack my brains, trying to think of anything to say.

"I didn't see you at the barn dance last night." I ask. Much needed small talk on my part.

"I didn't go in the end, but I heard you did." he says with a quirked brow.

"Oh?" I ask with interest coating my question.

Mino smirks. "You and Lisa have caused quite a stir." He continues to look at me with intrigue.

I can't look at him anymore, my eyes fix forward. "I really don't understand why. We just had a few dances and chatted for a while...nothing more, nothing less." I defensively reply, my whole body tensing at the thought of last night.

"I see." Mino replies slowly, with obvious uncertainty.

"How long have you worked here, Mino?" I ask.

He smiles. "About eleven years, since I was a kid."

I begin to relax, thankful that Mino has dropped the whole Lisa subject. "It would seem that most people who work here, have done so since they were kids." I reply.

Mino nods. "Yup, most folks around here stick around." He pauses briefly. "So, if you and Lisa aren't an item. Would you like to have a drink with me tonight?" He confidently grins in my direction. His offer now has me right back to square one...feeling awkward. Normally, I probably would find Mino very attractive, but after Lisa I just cannot think about it right now. This holiday is quickly becoming complicated. I certainly do not need any more complications.

"Thanks for asking, Mino. It's very nice for you to offer, but I'm going to be honest here. I don't need the hassle of getting involved with anyone during this holiday. I've come here to let my hair down and leave all my crap behind. So, if you're asking me out on a date, I'm sorry, the answer is no. However, I am going to the pub tonight. So, if you'd like to buy me a drink while joining me and my friends, only for a drink, then I would love to. Just so long as you understand that is all it will ever be...just a drink." I state as a matter of fact. Just trying not to sugar coat things for him.

Mino's eyes brighten. "Then I'll see you at the pub tonight." he replies with a roguish grin.

I smile. "Come on...or everyone will be talking about us too." I say, clucking and nudging my horse into a spritely canter. I can hear the hooves of Mino's horse quickly following behind.

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