Chapter 18

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I innocently turn around. There she is, gorgeously strolling towards me with her head proudly held high. With each determined step she takes, the harder I fall for her.

"Would you like to take a walk around the ranch with me, Jennie?" Lisa asks, holding her hand out to me.

Without hesitation, my fingers reach out for her. "I'd like that very much." I say with a shy smile, while our hands fuse as one.

"See you tomorrow, Jennie." Rosé waves.

"Bye, Rosé." I wave back at her, grinning like a Cheshire cat. She's giving me the big thumbs up behind Lisa's back, laughing like a fool. My grip on her tightens as a I laugh.

"What's so funny?" Lisa asks, glancing sideways at me with a smirk.

I shrug my shoulders, still laughing. "Nothing...just that crazy lady behind us."

"She's quite a character, isn't she?" Lisa looks back at Rosé, who has thankfully put her over enthusiastic thumbs away.

I grin, my eyebrow quirked high. "You could say that." I say, clasping my fingers tighter around hers. Lisa smiles as she gently brushes my finger with her thumb.

We walk out of the barn, happily hand in hand. Those who are still there try to be discreet with their whispers as we pass them, failing miserably. It doesn't go unnoticed by Lisa either. She's smiling but has this cute, slightly ticked off pout to her lips. "I thought you'd like to see Manoban Ranch by moonlight. It's really something." she says, more relaxed now that we're outside, away from prying eyes.

I turn to her, still so deliriously happy to be here with her. "Thanks for asking me." I reply, slowly blinking up at her with awe-stricken eyes. She stops walking and just looks at me. The smile upon her shapely lips begins to fade away into the night air. We stand in heavy silence, for just a short unsure moment, before she starts to walk towards the stables. I walk beside her, clutching tightly onto her hand. Confused by what has just passed between us.

"What are your plans tomorrow?" Lisa asks.

"I think I'm going to go for a morning ride, then maybe try my hand at some shooting." I enthusiastically tell her.

She smirks. "Shooting, huh? Be sure to warn me, so I can high tail it out of there, won't you?" To hear her laugh is such a heartwarming thing.

I let go of her hand. "I may just surprise you, Lisa Manoban." I say with a prodding finger to her shoulder.

She laughs. "Everything about you surprises me, Jennie." she says, turning to walk a little ahead of me. I don't press her to tell me why. I don't even have to know why. I'm just happy to know that I make her feel something.

I catch up, to walk beside her, staring up at the blanket of stars above us. "What a beautiful evening." I sigh contently.

She looks at me. "It sure is."

"I really do envy you living here. The lifestyle, the people...just everything about this place is so perfect." I say in sweet wonder.

Lisa stands with her hands inside her back pockets, her broad shoulders pulled back. "It's hard work. It gets really cold out here, damn cold."

I confidently grin across at her. "Not if you have someone to snuggle up to." I say with a wicked glint in my eye. I can't believe I'm actually flirting with her, but her delicious slanted grin makes it almost impossible not to.

She lowers her head; looking back at me from beneath her dark lashes. "Maybe that's my problem."

I step nearer to her with a happy spring in my step. "I've seen the way all the girls around here fall at your feet, Lisa. How come someone like you is still single?" I ask. I know I'm acting very bold around her, but I'm genuinely intrigued as to why she's still so very single.

"Someone like me?" Lisa looks surprised by my question.

Yes, someone like you. Lisa Manoban. Charismatic, sexy, charming, honest, intense...did I mention sexy already? The thoughts run without restraint through my frisky mind. How am I going to answer her question without making a complete fool of myself? She stares at me, waiting for my answer, but I still don't know what to say.

In my mind, what I would really to say is – You're the most wonderful person I have ever met. I think about you all the time. When I'm with you, all I want to do is to throw myself at you. But instead of saying that, I walk to the white fencing by the paddock and step up onto it, sitting on the top rail, like they do in the films. I look down at Lisa, who is still patiently waiting for my answer.

After all that confident bravado, I suddenly feel small against her penetrative stare. I tilt my head, resting my cheek on my shoulder. "You're one of the good ones, Lisa." I tell her softly.

She too, tilts her head. "Am I?"

I smile. "I think so."

She mirrors my smile. "You've known me for two can you tell?" she asks.

"I just know." I say, lowering my lashes. I did know. I know I've met someone who is going to change me. I don't' yet know how or why, but I know that Lisa is a person you don't ever forget.

"Do I take that as a compliment?" she asks.

"I would if I were you."

"Or?" her voice becomes lower, there's a rich erotic depth to it.

"Or...I just might shoot you in the ass tomorrow." I laugh, throwing my head back, causing me to lose my balance. I lunge forwards to stop myself from going backwards but then nearly fall forwards. Lisa quickly stands in front of me with her arms outstretched.

"Easy there. I can't have you breaking anything." she grins.

For the second time tonight, I find myself in her brawny arms. My hands are wrapped around her strong biceps as she slowly lowers me to the ground.

Time just kind of comes to a wonderful standstill. While I remain in her arms, with us both looking at one another in such an intense just ceases to be. I want to kiss her so badly. The ravenous urge to kiss her has returned with a tempting vengeance. I will her to bring her mouth down onto mine, but she releases me from her hold, quickly stepping back. Confused, I nervously stroke my fingers through my hair, trying to compose myself.  

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