Chapter 15

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Fortunately, Lisa doesn't see. She stands in the large barn entrance with a few other cowboys beside her. It's the first time I have seen her without a Stetson on. Hot damn! I am even more captivated. Her ruffled jet-black hair, brooding face and her voluptuous pouting lips do something unimaginable to me. She is completely and utterly the most flawless and captivating woman my eyes have ever seen.

"There you both are." Jisoo puts her arms around both our shoulders. I smile distractedly.

Rosé wraps her arms around her. "Hey, gorgeous girlfriend of mine, will you grab us all a drink?" she asks sweetly, kissing her waiting mouth.

"Yeah, sure. What do you girls want?"

"I'll just have a white wine. How about you, Jennie?" My eyes have still not managed to leave Lisa. I can hear Rosé's voice, but I'm not really paying attention.

"Jennie?" Jisoo interrupts me by loudly calling my name.

"Uh?...oh yeah, sorry. A white wine would be great, thanks Jisoo." I mutter under my breath, barely able to tear my eyes away from Lisa, not even for a single second.

Rosé is soon right beside me, nudging me hard. "I'm guessing from that wide open mouth and your fuck-me eyes, mean that you've just noticed Ms. Dreamy McCreamy walk in."

I give her a scathing look. "I do not have fuck-me eyes!" I snap.

Her lips twitch and her knowing eyebrows lift. "'re the only one who doesn't then, Jennie. Look at her for Christ's sake."

I pathetically sigh. "I am." I mumble, continuing to idolise her from afar.

Rosé shakes her head. "Shit, you've got it real bad, girl."

I look at my new friend with concern etched all over my overwhelmed face. "Am I really that obvious?" I nervously ask.

"Only to the trained eye." she tells me, with a confident wink.

I look back at Lisa. Once again, I feel overwhelmed just being in the same room as her. I grip tighter onto Rosé. "She literally takes my breath away, Rosé. I actually feel sick when I see her." It sounds so utterly stupid when I say it out loud. I never should have allowed him to get under my skin. I shouldn't be allowing myself to feel this way.

Rosé wraps her arm tighter around mine. "You look like you have your work cut out though, Jennie. Every single female in this place is just itching to get close to her." I look around. Rosé is right. As Lisa walks through the crowd, all the young women flutter their lashes and flick their hair flirtatiously in her direction, desperately trying to get her to notice them. If they thought it would work, they would put their tits and lips on a silver platter for her. The more audacious females actually do approach her, wiggling their asses in front of her. Wearing their insanely tight cut-off denim shorts, while showing off their golden washboard stomachs in their sleeveless checked shirts, tied high above their waistbands. She is coolly polite but walks right on by. Although, she seems immune to their flirting, I still have to turn around. It's just too torturous to watch how she affects all the women in the very same way that she affects me.

"Let's sit down." I tell Rosé, trying hard to not feel defeated.

"Jennie, dear. Did I just hear you right? Sitting down, on this occasion is not an option." Chitthip is bent over in front of me, broadly grinning and bouncing along to the music that is playing.

"Um...yes, you did." I nervously stutter. Embarrassed by the knowledge that it's down to her beloved daughter, as to why I am so twisted up in knots.

Chitthip grabs both mine and Rosé's hands. "Oh no, you are not sitting down, honey! The square dancing is just about to start." She pulls us both into the centre of the room, in amongst the excited crowd.

I'm laughing but keep trying to pull out of her hold. "I don't know how to do it!" I say. My confidence and excitement seem to have bolted out of the barn door.

Chitthip smiles. "I'll teach you. It's too, Rosé." The dance caller announces on the mic that they're just about to start the dance. The busy dance floor is soon occupied by two long lines of people facing each other. I stand between Chitthip and Rosé. Opposite me is Marco Manoban. He's clean-shaven and looks charmingly smart in his embroidered chambray shirt. He's so maturely handsome. I certainly can see where Lisa gets her staggering good looks from.

As the music begins, you can't help but smile; it's just so uplifting and jovial. I'm trying hard to keep up with the moves, all the while listening to the caller. I just do my very best to copy what everyone else is doing. Walking to the beat of the music forwards, then passing the right shoulder of Marco, stepping back to pass his other. It is thankfully repetitive, so it's not long before Rosé and I are confidently doing the Do Si Do. I've not laughed this hard in a very long time. Although I know Lisa is here, my dancing feet give me a welcomed light and happy feeling.

For twenty fun-filled minutes, I dance. When it finishes, the barn is filled with thunderous clapping and over enthusiastic whistles and cheers.

Marco rests his big hand on my shoulder. "You're quite a little dancer, young lady. Well done."

I playfully curtsey. "You are not too bad yourself." I giggle.

"So you'll be up for the next one?" he asks.

"You try stopping me." I laugh.

Marco playfully winks at me, pulling me in for a great big hug. I turn around and see Lisa looking at me through the heaving crowd. A faint smile is all I get, but her eyes speak volumes. They penetrate me from where she stands. I'm incredibly impressed with my friendly, yet mellow reaction to her, before begrudgingly turning away. I'm so desperate for her to talk to me, but she can't ever know that. Desperation is never an attractive quality on any human being, let alone a woman. Yet, desperate is exactly what I am.

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