Chapter 38

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My bulging suitcase persists in goading me from the bed. It's an ever-present reminder that I'm really leaving tomorrow. I seem to be taking home so much more than I actually came with . . . and I don't just mean my belongings.

"Are you ready, Jennie?" Lisa pops her head around the cabin door.

I smile back over my shoulder, zipping up my vanity case. "Just a minute," I shout.

"I'll be outside in the truck," Lisa's voice is cheerful, her footsteps buoyant.

I carefully put my beloved white Stetson into a carry bag. It is something I will forever treasure. It is something given to me, so very thoughtfully, by Lisa.

I always feel like she's the one who is forever giving something to me, while I'm the one doing all of the taking. Today is to be my last chance to tell her just how much she means to me, at least that is something I can give to her. It no longer seems right to keep holding back. I want to share my feelings with Lisa. I need to share them with Lisa.

I don't have time to dwell. I have to quickly snap out of my deep thoughts because I can hear the truck engine running from outside the cabin. I grab my small bag, rushing out to join the wonderful person who is patiently waiting for me.

I get into the truck with a huge smile. "Where are we going?" I ask, pulling the door shut.

Lisa smirks. "You'll see."

I watch her drive, taking in her charismatic profile. How can this one person make me so very happy?
Everything about her fills my heart with joy. She makes me smile through my tears, feel brave when afraid, feel confident when insecure. Lisa just brings out the best in me. When I am with her, I want to be a better person. A better Jennie Kim.

"You're staring." she glances at me before concentrating on the track ahead.

"I am merely appreciating the view," I say with a full on smile.

"Is that so?" Lisa asks, in that sexy voice of hers. That voice, could literally melt away the fabric of my thong.

I'm feeling brave. It's our last afternoon and evening together. I am without a doubt, in a 'to hell with it' kind of mood. I reach for her hand on the steering wheel, stroking it with my gentle finger. "Well, you shouldn't be so damn sexy, then." I confidently say with a flirty little smile.

Lisa does a double take. She seems amused yet thoughtful. "You're pretty open this afternoon."
I snuggle up next to her, placing my hand on her leg. "I'm just saying what I feel," I tell her, stroking her leg gently.

Lisa's lips twitch with her looking rather pleased with herself. "Good, I like you being open," she says with a hint of a smile.

"Just good?" I push against her.

She laughs. "Okay, not just good . . . great. I need to be the same with you." Just like that, my mind is whirring with excited thoughts.

She has been so sweet and caring all week, and has been determined to keep this surprise, just that. I feel invincible when I am with her. Not even the fact that I'm leaving tomorrow can touch us. It appears that all the holding back that we've both become so expert at, is finally ready to set itself free. We have nothing to lose anymore.

I look out of the window and wonder where on earth are we going. We're driving across the far-reaching prairie.

"Isn't this where we go riding?" I ask.

Lisa shakes her head, lifting my hand from her leg and kissing it. "Aren't you the impatient one?" she grins across at me.

I nod, shrugging my shoulder lightly. "Patience has never been one of my strongest virtues," I admit. Lisa places my hand back on her leg, like she somehow needs it to be there. "You haven't got much longer to wait," she assures me.

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