Chapter 9

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The morning sun peeps through the cabin curtains. I try to force open my tired eyes, but the light makes them remain stubbornly closed. My head is aching; no, it's actually bloody pounding. I'm feeling pretty darn rough. I roll over with a feeling-sorry-for-myself sigh. I can hear some voices outside and the faint noise of horses neighing in the background. I turn back over, feeling angry with myself that I do in fact, have the hangover from hell.

I managed to haul my sorry ass out of bed. My body is heavy, but my feet feels even heavier. I turn the shower on, slipping out of my tank top and knickers; stepping under the soothing warm shower and washing away the regrets of last night from my ebony hair, ridding myself of the alcohol-induced grubbiness.

I really think I am going to struggle getting through today. Note to self, I'm never ever drinking again!

As I sat quietly eating breakfast, I see Chitthip approaching me. She has a spring in her step and a lovely hangover-free smile on her face.

"Morning, Jennie. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you, Chitthip." As much as it hurt to smile, I smiled nevertheless.

"So, you've missed the morning ride, sweetheart. Will you be wanting to go out this afternoon?" She leans against the table while asking me.

I instantly perked up. "I would love to!" I say with a grin.

"That's great, I'll make sure someone is able to take you later today."

I gratefully smile. "Thank you, Chitthip."

She was about to walk away but hesitated; and she quickly pivots her heels. "Oh, I don't know whether you have heard or not. We're hosting a barn dance here, tonight."

I smile widely, thinking this could be the barn dance that Mino mentioned last night. "That sounds wonderful." I brightly replied.

Chitthip affectionately touches my arm. "They are so much fun, you will love it, Jennie." Her attractive matronly face lights up.

"I'm sure I will." The very idea of a barn dance instantly lifts my mood. After all, I was the little girl who used to do that infamous dancing scene from the classic film, 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers'. I loved that scene where all the brothers danced with the girls. I was literally obsessed with that film, so much that I would constantly pester my mum to play it, over and over again.

"So, I will see you later then?" Chitthip asks, interrupting the film scene that's currently playing in my mind. I beamed at her. "You certainly shall." I really do like Chitthip Manoban a lot, she's sweetly engaging and good-natured, not forgetting the fact that she has the most gorgeous daughter ever.

"How long have you lived here, Chitthip?" I asked with curiosity, willing her to engage in a conversation with me. She takes a seat beside me and smiles. "All my life, honey. I could not imagine being anywhere else in the world."

It always amazes me how one person can be happy to stay in only one place. "You're very lucky. It really is a stunning part of the world." I meant every word from my heart. Manoban Ranch in Montana is indeed a magnificent place to be. It must be wonderful to know that you're waking up to such beauty every single day. I can truly understand why Chitthip chooses to be here.

"That it is, Jennie. It's a slower pace of life. Sometimes this little town's relax way doesn't appeal to everyone...but it's perfect for me. I couldn't have chosen a better place to raise all my children." she tells me.

"How many children do you have?" I hope my questions aren't coming across as being too nosey, but I'm genuinely interested in Lisa's family. Fortunately, Chitthip is only too please to tell me.

"I have a son and a daughter. You've met Lisa, my youngest child, yesterday." I try to stop the big smile, ridiculously spanning across my face. Just hearing her name, make my cheeks flush and my heart race wildly. Goodness, I really need to start getting a grip.

She smiles. "It's okay, sweetheart. My Lisa has this effect on most people. There's no denying, the good Lord blessed her with good looks and a kind soul." She begins to laugh hard. "For years, I used to think all of my friends were coming over to try my delicious jams and chutneys. The truth was, they were only coming over to catch a glimpse of Lisa." she adds, chortling to herself.

I laugh, hiding the jealousy that seeps through my body. I need to change the subject and quick. "You make jams and chutneys?" I asked.

Chitthip nods. "I do, I find it very relaxing." She looks at me, tilting her head. "Do you cook, Jennie?"

I shake my head. "My mum does most of the cooking back home, but I would love to learn."

She reaches across the table, patting my hand. "Then, you should come into my kitchen one day and help me cook. That's only if you want to, of course."

My face lights up. "I would really love that, Chitthip...thank you so much."

She stands, giving me a warm smile. "My pleasure. So, I guess you'll be heading out around one in the afternoon? That will give you ample time for a good afternoon ride around Manoban Ranch and you'll still be back in time to get ready for the barn dance. Dinner won't be served in the house tonight, we'll be eating at the barn dance." She tells me.

"Great. See you later."

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