Chapter 23

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I must have been exceedingly tired, I slept until 5:30pm. I can't believe that I slept for so long. I rub my still tired face in my tired hands, trying to wake myself up. Shit! I've managed to miss rifle shooting, as well.

I decide to run myself a bath and text my mum before I get in. As shit as things are between Lisa and myself, thoughts of home don't as of yet, make me feel homesick. I didn't realise just how much I needed this holiday, to get away and regroup my life. Just being independent and free from the daily grind of my crappy little life in Seoul is already liberating me.

Hi Mum, just a quick text to say hello. So, I've been out riding again this morning and had the most fantastic night at a barn dance yesterday. Tell Dad I did the Do Si Do!

I am meeting some really lovely people and will share all their stories with you when I get home. Say hi to everyone and I will text in a couple of days. Love you, Jennie xoxo

I press send, turning my bath taps off. I swish the warm water around my splayed-out hand, the steam kissing my skin. My thoughts quickly turn to what I shall wear to the pub tonight. I open my wardrobe door, thinking to myself that I've not worn a dress yet. My pensive finger skims across my clothes. I stop on a plain, but pretty when on, red tulip dress. It's sleeveless and sits just above the knee. The crimson shade flatters my richly raven curls. I find stilettos can cheapen the look, so I've brought my other old faithful for my gorgeous heeled black Mary Janes.

Now my outfit is all sorted, I can fully relax in my waiting bath. It's actually done me good not to see Lisa today. I can feel myself bouncing back already, like my old self again.

"You missed a great time shooting today, Jennie." Jisoo says, taking a sip of her cold beer. I smile with disappointment, "I know. That ride this morning did me in. I dropped off and didn't wake up in time." I explain.

"You can always do it tomorrow, can't you?" Jisoo asks. I lean forward on my stool, picking up my vodka and lemonade from the table. "I will." I say, bringing my drink to my glossed-up lips. Rosé screws her face up, rubbing her lower back. "I might even give the riding a miss tomorrow. I'm starting to get a little saddle sore."

"It's okay, babe. I'll give it a thorough rub later." Jisoo is rubbing her back over zealously, with a cheeky grin on her face. Rosé laughs. "I bet you will, you pervert." she says, playfully pushing Jisoo away. Another pang of envy pulls at me. They're so close and comfortable with each other; they have such loving fun. It's something any singleton would want.

"So, what will you do instead?" I ask Rosé, who now lovingly holds Jisoo's hand.

"I think I'm going to have a pampered morning. A bit of swimming and a lot of time in the jacuzzi." she tells me, raising her shoulders with a dreamy look all over her face. I smile agreeably. "That sounds great."

"Why don't you join me?" she kindly asks. As much as this offer tempts me, I'm aware that this is Jisoo and Rosé's holiday too. They don't need me tagging along all the time. I lower my eyes, concentrating on the drink in my hand. "I think I'll give the two of you some quality time alone." I answer quietly.

Jisoo quickly interrupts. "I'm not going, Jennie. I'm doing the archery thing again." she says with an earnest expression. Rosé leans towards me. "Why would you say that?" she asks seriously, looking at me from across the small round table. I look into her concerned eyes. "I just don't want you both to think that I'm cramping your style. This is your holiday, so obviously you'll want to spend some time alone, as well."

"We do spend time alone, Jennie. Besides, we love spending time with you. You've made this holiday even more great for us." she says with the warmest and biggest smile on her face.

"That's really sweet, Rosé." I say, reaching for her hand. She rests her other hand on top of mine, a kind gesture of friendship. "So, no more of that 'I'm intruding' shit...okay?" she looks at me with scolding eyes and unimpressed pursed lips.

"Okay." I admit defeat with a thankful smile.

"So, you'll come tomorrow?" Rosé asks.

Taking a happy gulp of my drink, I laugh. "Definitely."

I look up to see a smiling Mino walking towards us with a purposeful stride, carrying a large pitcher of ice-cold beer in his one hand and four glasses in the other. He's not wearing his Stetson this evening, so I can clearly see his dirty blonde hair and his warm hazelnuts eyes. Mino looks directly at me, lowering the pitcher onto the table. "So, this is definitely not a date, but me joining you and your friends for only a drink." he sarcastically says, with an irresistible roguish smile all over his handsome face. His confident entrance makes us all laugh.

"Hi, Mino." I shuffle my chair around to make more room for him to sit down.

"Hi there, y'all." Mino smiles.

I gesture with my hands to start the introduction. "These are my friends, Jisoo and Rosé."

"Pleased to meet ya." Mino stands up, politely shaking their hands. "So, you guys from Korea too?" he asks.

"Actually, we are from Australia." Rosé replies, bouncing around in her seat as she listens to the music playing in the background.

"Did you enjoy the ride this morning, Rosé?" Mino asks and starts to fill four glasses with the beer he brought over while he chats.

"I did, but my back is paying the price now." Rosé winces.

"Looks like a massage is very much on the agenda later tonight then." Mino smirks in Jisoo's direction.

"Great minds think alike!" Jisoo winks, patting Mino on the back.

Mino and Jisoo hit it off straight away. They talk about fishing, archery and pool. Rosé keeps throwing me knowing looks that I keep choosing to ignore. I keep pushing away the feeling that I am, in fact, on a double date. Even though Rosé didn't press me about what happened last night with Lisa, I'm aware that she suspects that something did happen. So, she probably thinks that a lovely guy like Mino, could be just the much need tonic to take my mind off Lisa...but I'm not like that. Mino is lovely, and it's for that very reason that I won't use him just to make myself feel briefly better.

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