A song

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Hanging up the phone, Phoebe smiled and felt a ball of energy in her chest. Robbie was coming home to her. When she shut her eyes, she envisioned the dream she carried with her for so long. It was more vivid and possible, two things it hadn't been for a long time.

The whole Morgan and Nash thing put Phoebe on an emotional rollercoaster, which wouldn't end. Dips were the turmoil following Nash's honesty about being a star. The dark tunnel was her friend spending the night with a man she hardly knew. She might as well move into the cottage, Phoebe scoffed inside her head.

She felt lots of negative things, jealousy and resentment. Wanting Robbie to do the things Nash did with Morgan scared her and excited her at the same time. Maybe she should have done it a long time ago. She had opportunities, but she let no guy get close. She had saved herself for Robbie.

Robbie was coming home to her. Her ten dates were a bust, but she never meant for them to last long. She liked it better when she wasn't counting.

Antsy she went across the street. Nash was alone. "Is Morgan coming over?" He smiled. "I'm sorry for pushing you."

"It's okay. I should've. Now she knows and is trying to figure it out." Phoebe nodded. "What's going on with you and Robster. You two look cozy."

"Not as cozy as you and Morgan." Her cheeks burned.

"Sugah, when being with someone feels good, it's what you do."

"That simple."

"Unless you make it complicated. I've been writing a lot of songs, but one's about you two."

"Me and Robbie? A real song like for the radio?"

He shrugged. "Maybe. They aren't all good enough."

He strummed his guitar. The voice she loved sang. "When I close my eyes, I see her dancing just for me. The angel in front of me looks at me the same, but the tutu doesn't fit. I see the woman she's become and not the little girl she was."

He stopped and looked at her. "There's more, but it needs work." Phoebe wiped a tear. "Even if it doesn't make the cut for an album, I'll sing it at your wedding."

Did he really think she would marry Robbie? Feeling excited, she lunged forward and hugged him.

"Just when I started trusting you two."

Robbie stood with his hands on his hips. Phoebe jumped up. "He played me a song he's writing for my wedding. Robbie's eyes narrowed, and he shook his head and smirk. "You two. You're up to no good."

Phoebe stepped up to Robbie and brushed his lips with hers. "Hi."

He gripped her hip and pulled her closer. He kissed her thoroughly as she leaned into him for support. Releasing her lips, he whispered, "I missed you and I came home to find your arms around him. " He ended louder than he started.

Nash shot his hands up. "Hey. She hugged me. I've got my own girl. I don't need two."

Phoebe giggled as she leaned further into Rob. "How was your day?"

"No more counting?"

"That was so last week."

Robbie laughed. "I had lunch with my dad today. He knows."

"Knows what?"

"That I like you."

Phoebe felt a jolt in her heart. "Like me?"

"You know, not as a sister or a regular friend."

She smiled. "What did Rob say?"

"I better not break your heart."

She smiled. "You're stuck with me then."

Robbie kissed her slowly, and Phoebe wanted to melt into him.

"Get a room! You two!"

Robbie said, "Who's talking?"

Robbie let Phoebe go and she wanted to kick Nash for interrupting.

"If your dad knows, does everyone?"

Robbie shook his head. "He thought I should know what I want before my mother gets involved."

"Know what you want?"

"I told him it was too soon."

She looked into his chocolate eyes. "What do you want?"

"You. To spend time with you."

Phoebe felt her heart swell. She was in love with him.

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