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When Rob's phone rang, he was hoping it was Cayla. He wanted to suggest takeout and a movie night. They needed some couple time.

"Hi Robbie."

"Dad, hey!"

"Mom's out and I haven't talked to you one-on-one since we talked in the kitchen."

Robbie wasn't nearly as religious as he was growing up, but he believed. Even though he didn't pray enough, someone must have been, because his father's call was a divine intervention.

"I was just thinking I might come at Christmas... even if alone."

"You don't sound very happy."

"Honestly, I'm not. I thought about buying a ring today, but the doubt took over. I've never been more confused."

"Son, I don't want to confuse you more. I told myself if you were happy, I wouldn't mention it."

"Mention, what? Is everyone okay?"

"The first thing on my to-do list for Monday morning is to start a search for a new CFO."

Rob was the head of human resources for a biotech company. "Isn't that fraternization?"

Rob laughed. "O&C is run by a husband and wife who are the son and daughter of the two founders. It's a family business with values family. Say the word and I'll speak to Dan about it."

His immediate answer should be no, but he didn't vocalize it. Instead, he felt a barrage of thoughts - no money lending mafia, no parties at Beau's, no fighting for his family. The biggest decision was no Cayla. Aside from his friendship with Nash and Vivian, she was the only one keeping him in Nashville.

"Dad, let me think about it? It's time for me to follow Gran's advice. I just need to choose. Bye." He didn't want to hear his father's reply. Do I want to get off the pot?

His conversation with Vivian played in his head. 'Difficult to love', 'doesn't love easily', 'loves herself more', 'loves adoration', 'your validation will never be enough', 'strong willed and spoiled'.

The most telling was 'like her daddy'. He didn't like or respect Beau Haywood. The man would always be a wedge between them.

Robbie opened the browser on his phone and typed in O&C, Maine, and went to the bios on the 'about us' page. He had never met the infamous Dan Currier, but had met his father, Jim, who was a friendly man. Dan was older than Robbie by about five years. His current boss was in his late fifties and treated him like a kid. His father's face stared back at him. He always saw himself when he looked at his dad. Would he look as happy in twenty-five years? The CFO definitely looked ready for retirement. He had been with the company for thirty years. No one stayed in one place anymore. It was telling.

He heard the door slam and sat up. He felt guilty for considering the job. Cayla was home earlier than expected and stood before him with her face contorted in anger.

"You! It's all your fault!"

He looked up at her with his chin slack. "What'd I do?"

"Were you so jealous you told Nash to screw with my career?"

"What are you talking about?" Tyler came to mind.

"They accused me of a conflict of interest. Daddy's angry with me. He's never mad at me."

"What does it have to do with me? I'm not involved in the business."

"What did you say to Nash about Tyler?"

"Nothing. I told you how I feel about him touching you. You said it's business. I bet if I asked my dad he'd say it's harassment."

"Oh my God, your perfect father. This isn't Maine."

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