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Phoebe's heart thumped a little faster every time she thought about the weekend ahead. She planned to spend two days with Robbie. They would be alone most of the weekend, because Nash and Morgan weren't flying back until Sunday afternoon.

Phoebe shopped for ingredients and put her special sauce on the stove to simmer and thicken. She liked to impress Robbie with her skills in the kitchen. A few minutes before four, her phone dinged.

R: Going to a meeting. Have some more work to do. Home around 6. Need anything?

P: You in my bed.

R: Don't start. I am going to sit in the same room as my father. Anything from the store?

P: Wine. I forgot red wine.

R: ❤

He was so cute with his heart emoji. She pinched her arm. Not dreaming.

At quarter to six, Phoebe heard the door open and went running. She halted. "Lilli! What are you doing here?"

"I came home to check on you."

"I'm fine. You could have called."

Lilli shrugged. "Smells good. Why are you cooking a big pot of sauce?"

Phoebe shrugged. "For dinner."

"Good. I'm starving."

"Why aren't you slaving away for bosszilla?"

Lilli smiled. "I don't work for Kendall anymore. I start a new job on Monday."

"Did you get a promotion?"

"No, I'm still an assistant, but my new boss is nice. I'm working for a literary agent, not the publishing company. I won't have to deal with bosszilla ever again."

Phoebe quickly texted Robbie. She had wanted to come out of the shadows but had cold feet. Her sister would never be her first choice of family members to tell. She had thought her parents would be easiest, with an entire ocean between them.

P: Lilli showed up.

P: What do I tell her about dinner?

"Who are you texting?"

"No one."

She couldn't stay still and walked out of the room as she waited for his reply.

P: Where are you?

P: Stay at the cottage.

She saw Rob's lights as his car swung into his driveway. What would she tell Lilli? She couldn't just walk out the door.

"Pheebs, honey, I got the wine. Oh! Where's Phoebe?"

"Honey! Honey? Your honey is..."

Hiding. His phone vibrated.

P: Why didn't you read your texts?

Robbie called out. "Pheebs, come on down." She was just around the corner. His voice lowered. "What are you doing?"

"Texting Lily. She'll never believe this."

Phoebe ran into the kitchen. "Lillian, don't!"

Lilli looked up. Her eyes went from Phoebe to Robbie. "Are you two?"

Robbie's voice was steady. "We're together... Dating... A couple." Lilli stood silent. Robbie took the corkscrew out of the drawer. "I only have one bottle. Do you want a glass?"

Phoebe stepped next to Robbie. "I do. I guess it's three for dinner."

"How long have you two?"

Phoebe sighed. "Our first date was New Year's Eve."

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