One day

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Rob drove home with trepidation

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Rob drove home with trepidation. Nash was a good friend, but the sad truth was he had very few friends. Most drifted off when he and Cayla got serious. Nobody at work was close to his age. He had Reed and Phoebe and Lily, more friends at home, because with Lily there were others like Brady.

He breathed a sigh of relief when the front yard was empty and his key worked. Cayla was sitting in the dark.

She looked up at him. "Where were you?"


"Talking about me?"

"Me, mostly."

"I never kissed Tyler. I know he likes me, but he also knows we're together."

Her voice was calm. Rob wondered if she found some clarity. He loved her, but not enough to be in second place. It was okay after his children, but no one else, except she didn't want kids. He cared too much to keep quiet.

"Maybe he's using you, or a jerk, or really likes you, but he's bragging he touched you."

"Why would he do that?" Her voice was weak in defeat.

"Because he's a bastard. Some guys are and some girls fall for them."

"What are you saying?"

"That you have to be careful. Not all guys are as nice as me, even if they're talented musicians. Why does Tyler grab you when Nash and Clyde don't?"

"Clyde's married."

"Yeah, and you aren't single. Cay, every guy in every room wants to explore what you have. You need to show you're more than your physical assets. If you let guys like Tyler butter you up, you'll never be taken seriously professionally. Whoever told you touching is okay in business was wrong."

She looked down. She had been having her ego stroked and when she got slapped on her wrist; it was a big blow.

"Daddy's trying to work it out, so I can keep Almost Heaven. Does Nash hate me?"

"No, but we never talked about your work problem. He's not the type to hold a grudge."

"Why are you being nice to me?"

"Because I'm not a jerk. It has been an emotional day for both of us."

"I don't hate you."

"I know." Sometimes love isn't enough. It was a line in one of Nash's songs.

Rob could tell her he was moving, but he'd wait until he was certain. He could quit his job and move. Since he didn't need to buy a ring, he had savings. Rob had woken up ready to shop and wondered how so much could happen in one day?

He yawned. "I'm exhausted."

As Rob stood and walked into their bedroom, he felt sad. She didn't appear until he was already in bed. He was almost asleep when she slid under the sheet.

"Are you going away for Christmas?"

"I want to." He hadn't looked into flights. Maybe he could interview for the job. "Goodnight, Cay."

What else could he say?

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