Six years later

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Six years later

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Six years later...

Rob sat down on the sofa. Cayla was on the other end flipping through a magazine. She looked up at him. "Are you packed?"

"Yeah, it's easy. Shorts, tee shirts, a sweatshirt and board shorts." He might even get his old board out of the shed and wax it down. "I'll wear my jeans." Cayla frowned at him. "I'm going to the beach. The biggest event will be fireworks on the Fourth." He looked at her face. She didn't look sad or mad, she looked void. He wasn't sure why he bothered. Maybe he wanted to spark some emotion, as he asked, "Are you sure you don't mind I'm going?"

She shifted her position, moving her legs up underneath her. "Please, go have fun with your family. You'll be missing an amazing party here."

It was true her father, who owned BVH Records, would have an extravagant party, but there was a party within the party. One party was for the in crowd and another for the fringe and Robbie was the definition of fringe. He had dreamed of being in the middle of the Nashville excitement, but even Beau Haywood couldn't or wouldn't open doors for him. He worked hard and made a living at a decent accounting firm, but there were no super star clients in his future. It didn't matter, because whoever their accountants were, they weren't being invited to parties.

Rob had been in awe when he first met Cayla Haywood. A member of Nashville's elite had flirted with him. They started dating like every other couple in college, after hooking up at a party. They weren't complete strangers, having been in classes together on and off throughout the three years. Rob was happy to hang out with Cayla. She was popular and pretty, and she replaced his unsettling thoughts about the girl in the bikini, who was much too young for him. He and Cayla meshed well and her life was everything he dreamed about. It didn't take long for them to move into the serious category. The first time she brought him home with her, he was scared. Her father was known throughout Nashville. He was always referred to by first and last name. Beau Haywood was polite, but not overly warm. Her mother was lovely but unwell. The frail woman hid in her rooms most of the time. It was as if Vivian was the third wheel in the father and daughter's relationship, and Rob felt like the training wheels. Five years after their hook up, he still felt like an add on when visiting the Haywood mansion.

Together at home, it was different. They lived a comfortable life. He cooked her favorite foods and listened to her talk about her exciting long days in artist relations for her daddy's label. His days weren't very exciting, because while necessary, accounting was boring for most people. Rob found it intriguing and challenging. Even his parents never understood why he chose his field, but they were proud of him.

For living so far away, he stayed close to his parents. He talked to either his mother or father or both three or four times a week and kept up to date with everyone in the family. Rob knew Lilli was working in Boston at a publishing company for a woman she referred to as bosszilla, and Phoebe was in college studying nutrition. When he heard, he wondered if she still ate fries and chicken nuggets. It was over a phone call with his mother when he learned his sister broke up with Brady.

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