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Why do vacation weeks fly when work weeks don't?

His friend Reed showed up on Friday. Robbie had spent time getting his board ready, but questioned if he was ready. It had been a few years since he tried to surf. He was never as good as Reed or the Bennett kid. He had seen him out with his dad on Wednesday.

His old wetsuit didn't fit. He had filled out since he bought it at seventeen. It was a warm day, so he would have to be okay with his board shorts and sun shirt. Rob carried his board down to the beach. Out of breath, he needed to hit the gym more. He didn't want to go soft before he hit thirty.

Thirty was two years away, but it loomed in front of him. He didn't think thirty was old, but felt like he should be settled by then, at least in his mind. Rob felt anything but settled. His week at the beach had only churned up more unease. Or was it unrest? Whichever it was, it was the opposite of being settled. He hoped to return home in two days and see Cayla and forget about his rogue thoughts. The thoughts were more than his disillusion with living in Tennessee. They involved an image he shouldn't be having.

Why couldn't she be pushing thirty too? He could lust, but she was too young for him. He remembered her as a baby. She was not a baby anymore.

Again, I'm thinking of her when I should think of Cayla.

Reed appeared, carrying his board like it was as light as a boogie board.

Yup, I need the gym.

After Reed dropped his board, they greeted each other with an awkward half hug, half back slap.

His friend lived outside of Boston and worked for his father's architecture firm. Henry Davis, who went by Davis, was a nice guy but had trouble keeping a wife, which put some strain on father and son through the years.

"How's your Dad?"

"Currently single, but it's only a matter of time. He keeps his attorney on retainer between prenups and divorces."

"But you work together?"

"I'm one of his peons, if that's what you mean."

"And Sasha?"

"The same. Thank God, some things haven't changed like us. We're pushing thirty."

Sasha was Davis's third wife. The second was the affair which caused Reed's parents to divorce. Reed loved his stepmother and was as broken over her divorce as he was his parent's. Davis had loved Sasha too and proved it by skipping the prenup. Sasha was awarded alimony, the cottage on The Point, and a custody schedule for Reed. His parents had shared custody, but he came to Maine to stay with Sasha during April vacation and July and August. Neither of his parents put up a fight.

Reed's life story was more complicated than the watered-down version. He was visiting his favorite stepmother for the weekend and Rob planned to stop by later to say hello.

It wasn't quite like riding a bike, but Rob stood a few times. Reed had just gotten better while Rob's ability had gone in the opposite direction. He was glad when the waves flattened out, but Reed looked disappointed. After coming out of the water, they sat on their boards to discuss plans for the evening. The obvious conclusion was the Beach House.

"Let's go early, before it's crowded. Then we can move on to the beach."

Reed agreed. "I have a case in Sash's fridge."

Rob's eyes focused on a pair walking their way. He didn't know who she was with.

He called out to her. "Hey, brat."

Reed turned his head and let out a low whistle. "I've seen her around, but never realized she's your neighbor. Lily's friend, right?"

Rob shook his head. "The youngest."

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