Driving home

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I would like to get your lots of comments to keep me motivated to write more.

I could sense the shudder of his skin over my sweaty palm as soon as we reached the very corner of the junitor closet, it was right beside the piled up lockers.

"Why are you late?"his back came into the touch with the lights green piller as i pinned him down, hiding him under my fame, so no one can stare at him.

"It-it's i- j-just" i tasked.

"Speak properly." I demanded as he vigorously bobbed his head showing his anxiousness while his eyes were nowhere near me.

" I demanded as he vigorously bobbed his head showing his anxiousness while his eyes were nowhere near me

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"M-mom ne-needed some help for her shop so i-i was helping her." He quietly mumbled, both hands fidgeting with each other.

I opened my mouth to speak but a sound of rush nudge my ear making me halt in my move. Looking around myself I got to know the students are coming to pick their books for the next class and i couldn't be more furious by now.

I want time alone. To be with him.

I cursed under my breath as i glare at them before shifting them on the shuddering boy beneath me.

"Follow me" i mumbled as i sensed him following me as well.

Reaching the room, I yanked his wrist harshly shoving him to the bench as the irritating shrill of my classmates got into my ear. As myself sat besides him to be oblivious to their eyes but-

"J-J-Joo ri use to sit w-with me?" I tasked again.

"So?" He flinched at my stern voice as it made him hastily shake his head.

"She wasn't with you in first period!" I quietly mumbled as the bench besides us got filled with students.

"Jungkook?" I stared, following the voice. Ayden.

"Why there man?" I wanted to smack his ugly face but-

"Because I want!" I calmly voice, a lace of taunt in my voice. I know he could sense it. He hastily scooted in front of me, face dulling with a mask of embracement eventhough nobody heard me.

Everything came to normal as soon the next teacher came and started to teach. But i wasn't there to learn my lesson but for something else.

My eyes were getting glimpses of him sulking, over the answer he aren't getting but i didn't care.

I turned my eyes out of the window, on the sky above our head, wearing a sheet of blue and sparkling with sun. There was nothing interesting to pay more attention as i shifted them at the boy near me.

His eyes were alert, lips around the pen he's biting to paid attention on the board and left leg shaking in a constant motion.

I somehow didn't like that?

A smug smile tugged on my lips as i saw him pouting oh so innocently. I couldn't control the urge as i groped his tight, halting his continuous shaken of the body.

He didn't budged to stared down at me as his hands were helplessly attempting to pushed my hand trying to get rid of it, but I didn't.

The sensation of getting watch by someone alerted me as i sharply stared everywhere and-

Jackson eyes were on me..

Like it was saying something.

As soon as the bell rang i freed him from my grip while he swiftly put his book in his bag. He was about stood up and leave but-

"I'll drop you home after the uni " i hastily uttered. I saw him nodding on my offer before leaving for his next class.

While I went the famed boys to handle the decision.


"But why Jungkook?" Ayden grumbled as we made our way down the hallways of our uni, every students greeting us at their way.

"Because i don't want!" My response was simple.

"Oh lord, you don't want to have a party for success?" Jackson prevent my track, making me halt in the middle of the stairs. His fingers flying in air upon expressing his irrigation.

"You see, I'm no more interest in those things." I was blank, exactly as a blank paper without any ink making him motionless.

"It would be a great lost oh god Jungkoo-" yugyeom startled before completing his words, as Jackson forcefully motion him to stup.

"If Jungkook's saying he ain't coming then he ain't I don't want more argument." I smirked at Jackson words.

Well yeah, i love this.

I didn't utter a word as i placed my hand over yugyeom shoulder, patting it for few times before sneaking out of their way. My lips puckering to whistle.


It was when the classes were over for the day, all the students got tired by now as their steps were leisure and features were drowsy.

But i didn't care.

I shoved inside of my car, waiting for a specific person to came out of the uni, and he did, with a girl. I know who is she.

Nam joori, Taehyung's classmates.

[ Not a prominent but i love her ]

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[ Not a prominent but i love her ]

I stared at him as he was busy talking with the girl, she was the same as him, introvert and i was way more thankful for this. Joori eyes caught me gawking Taehyung as she hastily fixed her spectacles over her nose before handing a copy over his hands.

She vowed and leave, making taehyung all bewilder himself, but he didn't stopped the girls.

"Tae?" He stared at me before running to my car. I could sense him. He was nervous.

I opened the door for him as he flopped himself over the passenger seat. As soon as I saw him settling on the car i handed him a chocolate.

"Here" i acted cool looking away from him when he grabbed his chocolate.

"Thank you" he mumbled, quite faintly. I nodded as i started the engine and drove off towards his home. Ordering him to complete my Maths homework eventhough it was already completed. 💀

Thank you for reading. Do comments.

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