The End

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Jungkook stared at the younger as he get inside of the room, Mr. Jeon following with Mr. Choi.

The lady among them instantly embrace the younger, as he patted his head, soothingly. "My baby we're so sorry." She mumbled in his ear.

Taehyung shook his head, a smile spread through his lips as he looked down at Jungkook, Jungkook had his face blank.

Mr. Choi urged "i-i should be going by now, Mr. Jeon." Mr. Jeon nodded as he responded. "Yeah yeah let me led you."

Both left as the lady awkwardly laughed " i would arrange something for kookie to eat" Taehyung nodded as he stared at her back till she disappeared in the hallway.

His head turned back to Jungkook, who was still in his blank expression. "Koo"

Taehyung sat on the edge of the bed as he touched Jungkook's cold hand, the later had to let him but didn't respond.

"Kooko." Taehyung voiced again. Jungkook had to look far away to ignore the sweetest call from Taehyung.

Taehyung knew, he have to work hard.

"Are you that mad at me?" His voice harden as he fake out an angry expression. Still Jungkook didn't move.

"I'm sorry." He shook Jungkook hand a bit but no.

"Kookooo. I'm sorry." Taehyung was getting impatient as he stood up from the edge and headed to the side where Jungkook was looking at.

He stood in front of Jungkook, legs stomping, hands touching both of his ear in a sorry manner, lips puckered up. "I'm sorry kooko talk to me." Taehyung's lips pouted more, as he was whining like a kid.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was enjoying the show in front of him, he knew everything came out fine now. But Taehyung played hard so he wants Taehyung to get his mercy back -but that fucking puckered lips saying something otherwise.

"Are you not gonna talk to me?" Taehyung bend down a little, facing the elder who turned it away, Taehyung had to run to the other side again just to face the older.

And this Time before Jungkook could turn Taehyung held both of his cheeks, making him stared at those eyes.

Taehyung pouted.

"Kookoo I'm sorry." Jungkook sighed as he brought his hands and retracted taehyung's hands from his cheeks. " You were not sorry when you left me to die alone."

Taehyung gulped, Jungkook was sounding so hurt.

"You were not sorry when you saying all those things about me and you being together." Taehyung looked down, of course he could see the hurt in his eyes. More like in his voice, which getting weaker with every word.

"I wonder if you're still sorry or y'all playing just because of my pathetic health." Taehyung shook his head almost immediately as he relaxed his shoulders, head still lowering. "I'm really sorry Jungkook."

"Then look at me in the eyes and convince me that you're really sorry, let me know why you're sorry. Because you did so much that hurt me lot. "

Jungkook breathed out with hurtful frown in his brows, he didn't realize he was angry at this point. He was angry at Taehyung, at himself, at everything.

He flinched when he felt Taehyung's hand touching him again. The younger brought those hands near him he murmur " koookie, i know i did wrong" it was almost a whisper, a soft one which Jungkook likes to hear everything fucking day. " It was such a bad move of me to leave you all alone to broke." Jungkook flinched at the warm substance dropping on his knuckle and it was surely Taehyung's tear.

"I'm sorry i didn't knew you would do something like this to yourself." Taehyung looked up, his eyes were glossy, nose pink with his cheeks. Jungkook almost wanted to give up.

" But i was helpless you see. I won't do something like that again." Taehyung sniff. "Please don't be mad at me please. I'm sorry." Jungkook's eyes soften but he still didn't convinced.

"Will you then marry me now?" Jungkook queried, the younger eyes were almost two of it's size as he process the question. So now have to marry Jungkook?

Oh yeah

Taehyung nervously laughed, Jungkook had to bob his chin up in a questioning manner. "Will you?"

Taehyung didn't take long as he nodded, helpless.

"Okay then you're forgiven-" Jungkook as he hugged Jungkook, embrace him whole in between his arms, eyes getting close in pure content.

It was what they missed, mostly Taehyung, he was an
immense sucker for this warm embrace of Jungkook and no way he gonna leave him this soon, not in this life.

"I'll marry you, I will." Taehyung mumbled as he kissed Jungkook's side of his head, lips lingering there for seconds.

Jungkook couldn't wait for more as he pulled away from the hugged and smashed their lips together, pulling the younger more closer to him.

"I love you okay" Jungkook mumbled before pressing their lips together again. Taehyung giggled at the possessive voice as he nodded his head smiling in between the kiss "okay."

Jungkook instantly frowned "what okay, say it bac-" Jungkook couldn't complete as Mrs. Jeon came inside with full package of meal, Jungkook's eyes drawn there as he gulped, a sudden hunger cramped his stomach well the magic of Taehyung *sigh.

" We had our business pending" Jungkook mumbled near Taehyung ear before sitting straight on the bed.

"Time for dinner my boys." She declared sitting across the cross and opening the package. Setting up the plates she suspiciously gaze at her who was looking at the meal, her gaze turn to Taehyung who was sitting on the edge of the bed by now.

"So you're not hungry right?" She teasingly tossed at Jungkook who frowned before protesting. "Mom I'm hungry." She beamed.

"You were not like fifteen minutes ago." Taehyung pressed his lips into a thin line, attempting to stop his urging laugh.

"I-i wasn't but now i am hungry. " He stuttered in embarrassment, eyes glancing Taehyung time to time.

"Oh really?" She teased more "okay then. Taehyung are you?" Her voice soften as she looked at the younger who shook his head, smiling a little "I'm fine."

"You're not fine, you gotta eat with me." Jungkook declared as he motioned Mrs. Jeon to hand him his plate.


The End

Just kidding
Will be an epilogue and some bonus chapters ( maybe ) eventhough nobody's interested haha .....
but I'm not sure when..

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