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I'll edit this chapter later dw...
It's kinda still rough..


Apprehension is what making yoongi to gulp down his uneasiness, rapidly. He doubted that would be wrong or not but in any way he needed his answers. He couldn't just closed his indiscipline and unfinished chapter of his life.

He dodged the inessential perturbed, taking a mini one step forward. In front of the apartment. Hands itching to knock on it but still anxiety devouring him whole.

Sliding the tense thoughts he finally moved up, tossing a fist knock on the wooden white door. Heart still throbbing like a bitch.

He waited, till the door slam opened by a lady. Indeed she's familiar to him, her face is still young but pale. He could sense the discomfiture over her features.

Clearing his throat and getting up from his clumsy self he voiced. "H-hi aunt" he internally cursed himself for stuttering.

"Hi dear." She managed to spoke in a courteous way, which instantly brought a grin over his lips.

"Can I know who you are." The lady queried again. Of course.

"I-i" yoongi paused, just to pondering how to introduce himself. "I'm Taehyung's friend." As soon as those words left his lips the lady widened her eyes in shock and disbelief. Surprise.

"Oh my dear, I'm so sorry. Please come in." She hastily made space for the later to come in which he gladly did mumbling a small thanks.

"Please sit" she motioned as they reach the small living room. Yoongi's eyes instantaneously roamed around the compartment just to get a slight glimpse of Taehyung.

"Um Taehyung—"

"Oh son, he just left for some orders for my shop. I hope he'll be here soon." She pressed a smile in which yoongi found himself sighing in relief. Yes he wanted to see the younger but it would be equally uneasy to talk if he would've present.

"It's there anything important? Something related to study? I can always call him right back—"

"Oh no no aunt." Yoongi was way more fast to cut her off. "Actually I'm his childhood friend." Yoongi found himself hesitating at the expression the lady showing in front of him by those words.

"Childhood friends?" Her voice cracked, a bit broken hinted with her tone. Eyes about to pour tears. Yoongi couldn't help but nodding his head, he had no idea what he did wrong to make her weep.

"Oh my—" In a second yoongi was in the tight engulf of the lady, caressing him a broken heart. She just couldn't control her threatening tears from slipping but she forced prevent her sobs.

"Oh my son" she whimpered again, which made yoongi shock to the core as his anxiousness started to turn into fear. What is happening.

"Please calm down." His hands were still hanging, it's just couldn't bugged to sneak around her shuddered torso.

It's happened suddenly as she hastily pulled away from the hug, rubbing her wet crimson cheeks and mumbling numerous sorry. Yoongi just choose to nod in response while she offered yoongi to sit again.

Both became quite comfortable by now as it was dead silence for almost five minutes. Just snuffles of her.

"Actually" she chuckled through her droplets of tears, which was visibly fake.

"It's been so while i saw someone close to us, so i just—" she faintly shrugged, not able form any word to express her inner feelings.

"It's fine, you can tell me." Yoongi poused. He should first introduce himself.

"I'm yoongi. I was a good friend of Taehyung. I wonder why he don't remember anything. Can you help me to talk to him." Yoongi blubbered. He was eagerly wanted to talk to Taehyung while her kind conduct help him to spress himself in front of her.

"You're from jeonju no?" Yoongi gazed at her in utter disbelief.

"How did you know."

"Min yoongi. I still remember the name Taehyung was whinning to meet before we left his grandmother place." Yoongi gulped, he wasn't sure what's coming more. He just choose to keep attention to her voice.

"He told me you two were good friends. And was sorry for not giving you much attention as you were only his friend at that place." She stared at yoongi, her eyes filled with tears again.

"You know what happened that time?" Yoongi gulped again, feeling so much helpless while her voice becaming more whispering, near to shriek.

"W-we" she poused, really not sure should tell the boy or not, but her broken lost heart is begging her to empty it's place. So she thought to tell him everything.

"We got into a accident while coming back from jeonju and—" her lower lip started to woobling as it left a broken sob, which caused yoongi to shoot towards her, flying his hand over her back. He shooted it more long twice which assured her to say further.

"And we lost Taehyung's father there." Her most longest and thickest drop of tears flooded as Yoongi didn't know what to do. He just keep rubbing her shaken back.

"And the worst part is." Her bloodshot eyes shifted towards the younger.

"Taehyung lost his memory." What. Yoongi frowed, a deepest one, his hand halted as he couldn't comprehend the words strolling around his mind.

Taehyung lost his mind.
How came out he didn't know yet.

That means Taehyung didn't forget anything. He was forced to. God made him forget about him.
That's the conclusion.
There's nothing to think more.
Taehyung was chosen to forget him.

And there he felt his left eye filling with hot tears, making him giving up on the younger. His hands still worked to make the lady warm but not himself.
He was broke.

His lips parted to asked something, he needed to know more. About a stranger. About Jungkook. What's Jungkook for Taehyung but abruptly stopped when the front door of the apartment opened and there stood Taehyung. A shocked one. Hands gripping two plastic bags and a frowning Jungkook behind him.

Idk whoever reading this book but it reached 8k lmfao.

Wrote a quick chapter just to keep my promise.
Love ya💕

Mun 💃

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