Park Bogum

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||So yeah, i guess I'll just start giving bottom pov from now too, as y'all could understand what taehyung feel about Jungkook.||


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Ah stop it.
Please please stop it.
Arggh. You stupid please stop.

My eyes followed his strolling figure as he abruptly left me in the empty room alone. I dragged my quivering hand and pressed against my throbbing heart attempting to show some concern towards it.

But the problem wasn't only my heart but my whole system, it always makes me stutter and quiver nearer him, they makes me utter anxious around him, intentionally.

Leaving a short breath I tugged on my bag and began to went through the almost silence hallways. I shifted my eyes towards the opposite hallway from where he lest for his class.

The sky above there was still dull, i noticed it as i strolled around the building making myself engross with useless thoughts.

Yes I'm an overthinker, and I like to do it.

Jungkook fear it'll make me blast someday.
I giggled in my own thought, ignoring the busy sideways.

As soon as i step on the stairs, someone grabbed my arm making me turn around. "Hey?"

I gulped at the foreign proximity but yet manage to greet back. "Hi" i could feel my voice low, as much a whisper.

"In 302 RCC right?" I nodded, hastily stumbling back from his touch.

"Let's go, i have biology too." He mumbled and started to dragged my wrist making me ambling behind him.

I halted plugging away my hand as i calmly asked,
"W-who are you?"

"What? You don't know me?" He stared at me in disbelief.

"What? You don't know me?" He stared at me in disbelief

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"I'm Bogum, Park Bogum. I thought you already know me Taehyungie." His voice laced with a utter incredulity as he flied his arms asking me in a shocking way.

I shook my head, indicating him that I really don't know anything about him. Not only him even i don't know the name our most of the classmates.

He let out a sighed of displeasure and showed the way "yeah whatever come." I didn't wanted to follow him but i had to.

We both reached our classroom and sat beside each other. I wasn't feeling right about him sitting beside me, it's infuriating me.

"I hope you wouldn't mind me sitting with you." He quietly mumbled as the biology teacher came and started to teach.

Almost after 45-50 minutes, the teacher really thought to stop the class as it was time for our lunch. I hastily stood up thinking Jungkook would be mad if i didn't get on time, but Bogum gripped on my wrist.

"Wait for me." He spoke leaving my wrist and swiftly putting his notebook on the bag.

I gulp as I'm not sure about what will happen if Jungkook see me with him.

I shook my head and started to stroll over the hallways but wasn't expected he'd follow me there too.

"Ah Taehyung wait, I'm coming too." He sprinted towards me making me flinched as he sneaked his hand around my shoulder.

"N-no, I'll go a-alone." I attempted to let go of his hand.

"Why? I already told you my name and we became friends so why not?" I speeded my steps as i sensed him following me in a great speed too.

"I-i don't k-know you. Pl-please stay a-away from me." My heart was beating in a extreme pace as i saw our college canteen infront of me. I slightly started to feel anxious and scared for some reason.

"No. I like you. So I'll stay with you always." I widened my eyes at his confession but it wasn't time for these things as i hastily strolled towards the cafe.

"Taehyung wait." I heard him shouting but I didn't stopped.

"Aha, Taehyung wait." As soon as I step into the cafe, he swiftly strolled towards me and grimly gripped on my arms. I turned towards him just to dragged away my hand but someone bumped into me from behind making me fall down.

I squeezed my eyes shut, and prepared myself to get touch with the hard floor but wasn't expecting to fall onto Bogum's chest and his arms around my waist.

Not when Jungkook's dark eyes were boring at mine.

I love you ❤️

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