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I know this story getting worse and worse, I'm so sorry for making y'all disappointed guys. The story i planned in the beginning wasn't came out as i thought this is why I'm taking time to plan something else for you. My exams are coming, i can't promise but I'll try to finish this story before my exams.

Thunder rumbling were heard as it shoved a chill interior their bodies, it feels like someone's trying to rip off the sky in two. Taehyung shivered, the lightning outside of his window making him scared to hell. He hugged his knees, placing his head on them and closing his eyes shut. But the lightning was careless.

He miss him, he miss Jungkook so so much. Even more than before. It's been already two days since Jimin's request him to get back with Jungkook, but he never agreed.

One part of his desperate enough to talk to the elder, embracing him in his arms and comfort him saying that he would always stay by his side, but oh he's so helpless, helpless enough to let his most favorite thing go away.

He wanted nothing in his life, he never was needy, spoiled brat like Jungkook. He was satisfied enough with his little things but that till his mother was alive.

Whenever his heart beg him to go back to Jungkook, he always shout at himself, ' you're not what he should have '. But who could blame him.

Another thunder rushed through the city as he flinched, eyes shaking with new tears. His eyes, mind, heart even every little part of his body just missing Jungkook.


The sudden doorbell at this hour made Mrs. Jeon abruptly run towards the door. She was swift with her steps as he opened the door, which made her eyes wide and mouth agape with shock.

There stood Jungkook, the colours of his face became dull as he was looking so so skinny than before. The dark circles under his eyes let her know that he didn't get any good sleep in this while, and still weak posture was enough to let her know that he was weak.

The last message she got from Jungkook was 'mom please don't disturb me I'm fine. I just need some time. I'll home when i feel like.' like a week ago, after that his phone was dead.

Luckily jimin was there to let her know Jungkook's whereabouts, otherwise she had been in coma by now.

"Oh my god, Kookie" in a snap Jungkook was dragged to her arms, he was so weak to go against her so he let her hold him.

"Whom are you with my baby?" She rubbed his back soothing as she glanced here and there and found Jimin coming inside of the house.

Jungkook didn't said anything, he was surprised at himself that he couldn't voice, couldn't move and couldn't fight.

"Look at yourself, what have you done" She almost shouted at him, but Jungkook was careless, his eyes were closed and peace.

"I'm sorry aunt" Jimin sadly mumbled, his head made it's way down as he felt guilty looking at her face only. "I couldn't keep my promise, he was so stubborn." Mrs. Jeon sniff as she nodded, she knows how Jungkook is. She knows no one can ever make him move if he's not willing to move.

"Thank you for consoling him Jimin." Jimin shook his head. "It was nothing."

She nodded. "Can you help me to hold him." Jimin get by her side as they both took Jungkook to his room, they let him sleep there.

Jimin flopped down the couch as Mrs. Jeon took a seat beside him. Eyes concern and puffy.

"I tried to talk to Taehyung." Jimin mumbled "but he didn't agree." She nodded knowingly. "I know he wouldn't" jimin looked at her with confusion.

"Then why did you ask me to talk?"

"It's just i thought—" She stared towards the room where Jungkook was asleep. She shrugged, sighing in disappointment. "Never mind."

Jimin bob down his head "he is skipping his meal so i had to force him to come.. I'm sorry if i—"

"No Jimin it's fine." She cut him as she smiled at him. Genuinely. "You did enough."

Well Mrs. Jeon was talking about that day when Jimin found him unconscious at his apartment. Jimin had to took him to the nearest hospital as Jungkook was loosing his blood.

"I think I should go." Jimin suddenly stood up.



"He's still sleeping?" The sound of flipping the News paper twirl near her edge as she glanced out of her kitchen.

"Hmm." Her response was simple, letting him know that she's not please with him anymore.

Her eyes found the hanging clock up there, it's 1 in the noon and Jungkook was sleeping since yesterday night when Jimin left him home.

"Go watch him, he need to eat." Mr. Jeon calmly voiced as he tapped the remote as he visited some content news channels.

"Shi eun, please look after this I'm going to wake him up." The said maid nodded her head, smiling at her as Mrs. Jeon proceed towards the room.

She was amazed that Jungkook was still sleeping like he's in the middle of his sleep. She wondered if he was that exhausted. Her slender fingers brushes the strings of hair lying on his forehead as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Jungkook, baby wake up." She quietly mumbled. But didn't didn't even flinched.

She was already aware that Jungkook was always a heavy sleeper but not that heavy to sleep a complete 16 hours.

She brushed his hair again. "Jungkook" her voice raised a little. But in vain.

She slightly shook Jungkook by his shoulders but the younger didn't even move. Panic rushed through her body as he started to shook Jungkook a little harder. Her eyes getting teary at the lack of response while her voice cracking out of her throat.

Her cries got instant attention from Mr. Jeon who sprinted towards the particular room, two maid following him in concern.

"What's wrong?" He asked in worry.

"H-he isn't waking up.. p-please call c-call the doctor please." Her voice made all the other three eyes widened as Mr. Jeon quickly dialled a number.

The two made came towards Mrs. Jeon as one of them Started rubbing Jungkook's hands. "He have high fever ma'am."

"Please honey call the doctor."

"I called Mr. Han he's coming... Don't worry."


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