Jackson will die? pt.2

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The bustling noises scattered everywhere through the hallways as all the students having their time for lunch. All students were busy with their own while some busy gossiping and taking their meals.

Jungkook dragged Taehyung to a specific room, where he guessed that darn stupid rat would be gossiping or bullying some of their culprit.

He straightly made his way towards the room and bang open the glass door making all the students inside the room gasped in the sudden bust out.

His eyes caught Hoseok and Jimin in the same room and many more students, all their classmates. Jimin came towards Taehyung as soon as they step in and queried about his previous circumstances...

Jungkook didn't paid much attention except throwing a sharp glare at Hoseok who gulp down and sprinted to Jimin.

Yoongi, Namjoon and jin went to their own. They asked Hoseok to have lunch with them while he said will catch up later.

Jungkook narrowed the room and smirked when his eyes caught that face. "H-hey kook." Jackson nervously emitted, while his hands gripping hard on yugyeom.

"So spiteful"Jungkook mumbled as he made his way towards the bench where that dross were sitting. He carefully eyed Taehyung for once, who's busy talking with Hoseok and jimin.

"Yeah, Me." Jungkook stretched his both arms and let out a yawn before gazing back at the flustered face of Jackson.

"Heard you did something today." And yeah Jungkook choose to be straight forward.

"Huh" Jackson muttered as his anxious piled up through veins making him stole a glimpse of Taehyung and shifting it to Jungkook again.

"You heard me, didn't you?" Jackson gulp down as he sheepishly grinned and nodded his head.

And freaks call him boss, just look at his face Jungkook smirked.

"Y-yeah, i kinda broke Jihyun's hand t-today." The desperate attempt to show his confident in those filthy eyes were totally understandable by Jungkook and he emitted a chuckle on it, mocking his lousy try.

"Tsk, I'm not asking about this." Jungkook grinned and whined in a sicky way which made Jackson to gulp again.

"You see there" Jungkook finger pointed towards Taehyung while that's when Jackson realised, he really fuck up this time.

"I'm talking about that guy." Jungkook peek through Jackson shoulder and smirked staring at equally freaking out yugyeom.

"So tell me. What you did to him?" Jungkook stood up hastily and yanked Jackson's wrist, dragging him towards Taehyung who widely opened his eyes.


"Shhh" Jungkook motion Taehyung to keep quiet and make Jackson stood infront of Taehyung.

"Yeah c'mon start it already." Jungkook uttered and let out a dry chuckled when he caught Jackson making doe eyes to yugyeom, asking him to help.

All students gawked them in curiously.

"Ahh, don't just waste my time." Jungkook hissed and landed a hard punch on Jackson jaw, the guy fell on the floor with a thud while his lips emitted a broken groan.

Taehyung flinched along with the all student inside the room. Yugyeom was looking more than shock as he gasped when Jungkook placed an another punch at the same portion.

"Now tell me, what fucking shits you did to him" Jungkook breathedly said and slapped in his face while Jackson couldn't help but bleed through his pierce lip.

"Why ain't you opening your mouth huh.. tell me?" Jungkook didn't noticed how his punches became more brutal and it bagan to make Jackson unconscious.

"T-taehyung please...... Please........ I'm... I'm sorry......... please" Yugyeom sprinted towards Taehyung as he tried to gripped on his legs, attempting to have some mercy.

"Pl-please stop him.." yugyeom pleaded again, but Taehyung was equally dazed by Jungkook's action as he flinched again when Jimin shook him a little.


"Taehyung pl-please I'm begging... Pl-please stop him." Yugyeom really had his eyes filled with tears as Taehyung shifted his gaze to Jungkook and gulp...

The other punching Jackson without any mercy, and if he don't stop Jackson will surely die...

"Taehyung goo." Hoseok's voice shoved inside his ear as he took a tiny step forward and gripped on Jungkook's shoulder...

"K-kookoo" Jungkook instantly stopped at the soft call, more like he got his senses back.

He promptly stood up and glared at those all students while yugyeom ran and helped Jackson to headed out from the room, Ayden and two more boys came running towards the unconscious Jackson to help them to nurse room.

"Now listen you fucker." Yugyeom flinched but halted at Jungkook's call.

"Dare to doing this again, you won't be pardoned." He gripped Taehyung arm and pulled closer.. "I'll write your death by my own hands"

"You understand?"

Yugyeom hesitantly nodded and ran out of the room while Jungkook glared at Taehyung and mumbled...

"We're going home."

Mercy on my poor english 🙇🏻‍♀️
Classes from tomorrow :)

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