pleasure 🔞

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Jungkook snapped open his eyes at the irritating vibration of his phone. He had to hissed at the direct contact of the golden rays hitting his bare top as he was still undress.

His hands unawarely moved towards the nightstand as he hastily pick up his phone "Mom?"

"Kookie where are you? Do you know how worried i was when you didn't pick up my calls." Jungkook blinked, trying to open his eyes wide as he glanced at the phone screen again, lots of missed calls from his mom.

"Oh sorry mom, just really exhausted yesterday." He heard a sighed of relief from his mom "but where are you now?"

Jungkook rubbed his face, eyes flickering towards the sleeping brunette on his chest. "I'm with Taehyung."

For a mere second he assumed his mom would yelled for not informing her but all he got a faint hum.

"Are you coming home today?" She voice again, low as a whisper.

Jungkook's hand flied reaching the younger's hair, as he pat on it, stroking and plucking some of it behind his ear. "I'm not sure mom, Taehyung will be alone."

It was silence for a minute before the lady voice again. "Your dad was asking about you yesterday." Jungkook sighed as he closed his eyes knowing exactly what coming next.

"He said he want you here tomorrow at dinner, some of his client will be coming and i couldn't deny as he was really hopefull."

Jungkook didn't know what to respond, he wasn't planning to go back home till he settles everything related to taehyung.

"I'll think about it mom. Talk to you later-"

"Kookie listen." Jungkook halted as his mother voiced whispering out again. "Your father will be really disappointed if you won't come. So think about it carefully. I prefer you to tag taehyung as a plus one."

Jungkook eyes flattered as his lips instantly stretches with a warm grin, his mother was his really favorite, ain't nobody gonna understand him like her.

He nodded his head eventhough his mother couldn't visualize him as he gently stroke Taehyung's bare shoulder.

"Thanks mom. I love you."

"I love you too hun. See you tomorrow.

They soon hang up the call as Jungkook snuggled himself closer to the younger, pressing their bare body together and feeling the new warmth in the morning.

"K-koo." Jungkook jolt up from the crook of the younger pressing a wide grin.

"You're awake?" The younger slightly nodded, weakly pulling the cover up as he realized there body are still naked and connected -under the sheet.

"We had our first ever sex Tae." Jungkook dreamily emitted, a thrill rushed through his excited voice as Taehyung squirms in embarrassment, he wanted the bed to swallow him up, to disappeared him from the sight of the elder.

Jungkook had the ever optimistic eyes gazing at the younger, Taehyung couldn't help but nod, happy seeing the later happy. But he was anxious, even he himself was drowning into bewilder as why he was nervous though.

Jungkook seemed to notice the changes in his features as he swiftly got a grip on younger's hand.

"Tae?" The younger had to looked up at the concern voice. "You didn't like it? Was i too rough? Did i hurt you?" Taehyung was instant in strolling his head, denying each question as he didn't wanted the elder to misunderstood him.

"I l-like it k-koo."

"Then? Why aren't you pleasing?" Taehyung swallowed, how would he disclose that he's getting embarrass to the core, down there they're still connected.

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